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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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3 minutes ago, Delayed said:

I'm no royalist and certainly don't believe one should be born into that role but I don't think people should be celebrating her death. (And I know people will)


It's not that equivalent of Thatcher passing. (though I didn't condone that but understand the hate)


At the end of the day, people have lost a mother and grandmother etc. 

Essentially, she was raised in a cult, so I see her as a bit of a victim in a way, albeit a very rich one.

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Life is for the living; not sure I see the practical value in mourning the inevitable. We all die, it comes with the territory.


For the ones we love, our own close family members and friends, there’s a natural sadness for our loss.


For people we never knew though...

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I'm a republican, I regard the monarchy as anachronistic, archaic nonsense which is divisive and perpetuates the snobbery and obsequence that is detrimental to this country.

Having said which, I have respect for the way that the lady carried out her duties as she saw them. A dislike and lack of respect for the institution does not have to include a dislike of the people involved ( with one obvious exception ) I hope she passed peacefully with her family around her.

Now would be the right time to bring this outdated circus to an end. Finish on a high note with a lady who did her best. That will not happen of course, we will be treat to an ongoing farrago which will result in embarrassment to the country.

The royal family provide similar entertainment to other countries to that provided by the Kardashians and other people famous for being famous with little else to commend them.


Despite which. R I P Elizabeth.



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