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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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1 minute ago, HumbleNarrator said:

It is a fact that some will.

It is a fact that most sensible working parents will have a plan b for occasions such as this.



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2 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:


Normal regular bank holidays yes, but this??

No. I meant a plan b for unexpected circumstances.


Any sensible parent would do that. Surely.


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5 minutes ago, sibon said:

No. I meant a plan b for unexpected circumstances.


Any sensible parent would do that. Surely.


It's scary to think how parents cope during the summer holidays https://www.google.com/search?q=won't+someone+think+of+the+children&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALiCzsaNbwpn7GBLm2jOhrb3UKOqVeLYuw:1663007266575&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl-4fr8I_6AhVXQEEAHRZWBnMQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=oAczHPIaxX2lfM&imgdii=SgeEPtUoEewL_M



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46 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:


Haha, up yours Delbow, in your face.

"in your face " . My daughter stopped saying that about 15 years ago . She grew up 

30 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

He (and others) didn't seem to want to acknowledge that many working people, who's jobs may not be closed on the day, will have an issue with child care.

I bet they get sorted 

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Honestly some people moan moan moan ...


Don't remember all this fuss when they were giving an extra bank holiday on a nice warm day back in June.


So what, it's a bit short notice because someone has died. But it's been common  knowledge for some time that whenever a monarch dies there will be a long period of mourning which includes extra time off when the funeral takes place. I don't think that has been some great secret.


Oh how will these parents cope.... Well I would suggest just the same as they manage to cope if the school suddenly closed because of the gas leak or if there was some unplanned staff shortage, or if little Timmy suddenly was housebound with chickenpox, or if the car suddenly breaks down and the school run can't be completed, or if little Beatrice gets an upset tummy and has to be sent home....  Goodness sake, when one chooses to breed it comes with responsibilities and disruptions to ones lifestyle. That includes their work.


The fact it is a national bank holiday means that many employers and companies will also be closed. If in the unfortunate event a parent has to work then their partner may not. If in the even more unfortunate event both parents are to be required to work at exactly the same time on the same bank holiday day then yes some alternative arrangements will have to be made, but it's hardly impossible that a family member or friend or neighbour or childminder is not available.


Just takes a bit of organisation - Hardly the end of the world.   The majority will simply see a bonus holiday. As others have pointed out, there's plenty of moaning going off that we never have enough national holidays well now we have an extra one and they still moaning.  


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1 minute ago, HumbleNarrator said:

I don't know planet you live on but the six week holidays IS an absolute nightmare for many working parents over the six week holidays as it can be a cause of resentment from those whom the children get dumped on such grandparents, who don't always appreciate having to have their August taken up by it. The novelty of entertaining grandkids can wear off very rapidly.

And yet parents/children survive. 


So 1 day will be fine. 


Besides it's happening whether you, Chekhov and his friends like it or not. 


I suggest you all get over the fact that a monarch has died and the majority of the country will spend the day celebrating her life. 

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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Honestly some people moan moan moan ...


Don't remember all this fuss when they were giving an extra bank holiday on a nice warm day back in June.


So what, it's a bit short notice because someone has died. But it's been common  knowledge for some time that whenever a monarch dies there will be a long period of mourning which includes extra time off when the funeral takes place. I don't think that has been some great secret.


Oh how will these parents cope.... Well I would suggest just the same as they manage to cope if the school suddenly closed because of the gas leak or if there was some unplanned staff shortage, or if little Timmy suddenly was housebound with chickenpox, or if the car suddenly breaks down and the school run can't be completed, or if little Beatrice gets an upset tummy and has to be sent home....  Goodness sake, when one chooses to breed it comes with responsibilities and disruptions to ones lifestyle. That includes their work.


The fact it is a national bank holiday means that many employers and companies will also be closed. If in the unfortunate event a parent has to work then their partner may not. If in the even more unfortunate event both parents are to be required to work at exactly the same time on the same bank holiday day then yes some alternative arrangements will have to be made, but it's hardly impossible that a family member or friend or neighbour or childminder is not available.


Just takes a bit of organisation - Hardly the end of the world.   The majority will simply see a bonus holiday. As others have pointed out, there's plenty of moaning going off that we never have enough national holidays well now we have an extra one and they still moaning.  


Great post :thumbsup:

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