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7 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Tell me where I have defended Andrew  , please ?

Well. Let’s start here, where you are backing the arrest of the guy who shouted to him. That is shouted, btw, not attacked, or threatened.

18 hours ago, hackey lad said:

What would’ve happened if someone heard it and took offence before the police intervened? Full on punch up ? 

Then there’s this bit where you are clearly backing the police backing the ex HRH Andrew.

17 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Ask the bloke who helped the police arrest him . It was a solemn occasion for gods sake, loads of supporters and well wishers there . What did he expect would happen? 

So, what are we supposed to think?

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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Can you answer the question posed?

What - it’s ok to close food banks cos they can go the following day?


No - I don’t think that is ok. 

i also can’t imagine why anyone would want that to happen as a result of their death either.

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 That is precisely my point, that is a major flaw in our system.

It isn't people who are loyal to the crown we need it's people who are loyal to the country.


It hasn't been a problem for the past 70 years because the unelected Head of State who the Police and Armed Forces swear allegiance to was herself loyal to the country.

I am a republican but regard Elizabeth II with some respect. Whilst believing that monarchy is anachronistic and should be abolished I had no real problem with her as she carried out her duties as she saw them diligently,  it is the institution I regard as past it's sell by date.


What happens if at some point someone becomes monarch and decides that the country is going to the dogs and needs a firm hand to change things?

Suppose that they decided that a group of senior Generals, Admirals , Air Marshals and senior Police officers are what is required to run the country?

All of those people have sworn an oath to the crown, what would happen? We have been fortunate to date but there is no guarantee that will continue and we could become a Police State under martial law in the future.


An unfortunate accident to Charles before he impregnated Diana and it would now be King Andrew  awaiting his coronation. 

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5 minutes ago, West 77 said:

It's a fact Prince Andrew hasn't been found guilty of any wrongdoing in a criminal court of law anywhere in the World or faced  any criminal charges.  Prince Andrew has every right to join his siblings in anyway he chooses to mark the passing of his Mother. Unlike the yob you support Prince Andrew hasn't been arrested or charged with any criminal activity.


Like the yob arrested, you're an utter disgrace with no respect for common decency. 

It is also a fact that he paid £12m of hush money and consorted with convicted paedophiles  and sex traffickers. 


So let’s not go using the old moral relativism argument. I think you’d lose that hands down.


I’m not a disgrace. You need a new dictionary.

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32 minutes ago, makapaka said:

What - it’s ok to close food banks cos they can go the following day?


No - I don’t think that is ok. 

i also can’t imagine why anyone would want that to happen as a result of their death either.

Erm, you realised they already shut on Bank Holidays dont you. What did all these starving people do a fortnight or so ago during the last one?

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23 minutes ago, m williamson said:

 That is precisely my point, that is a major flaw in our system.

It isn't people who are loyal to the crown we need it's people who are loyal to the country.


It hasn't been a problem for the past 70 years because the unelected Head of State who the Police and Armed Forces swear allegiance to was herself loyal to the country.

I am a republican but regard Elizabeth II with some respect. Whilst believing that monarchy is anachronistic and should be abolished I had no real problem with her as she carried out her duties as she saw them diligently,  it is the institution I regard as past it's sell by date.


What happens if at some point someone becomes monarch and decides that the country is going to the dogs and needs a firm hand to change things?

Suppose that they decided that a group of senior Generals, Admirals , Air Marshals and senior Police officers are what is required to run the country?

All of those people have sworn an oath to the crown, what would happen? We have been fortunate to date but there is no guarantee that will continue and we could become a Police State under martial law in the future.


An unfortunate accident to Charles before he impregnated Diana and it would now be King Andrew  awaiting his coronation. 

If, If, If !

The Crown and Country are one when we speak of soldiers loyalty.




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58 minutes ago, sibon said:

Well. Let’s start here, where you are backing the arrest of the guy who shouted to him. That is shouted, btw, not attacked, or threatened.

Then there’s this bit where you are clearly backing the police backing the ex HRH Andrew.

So, what are we supposed to think?

Was the man arrested? If so what crime was he charged with? As far as I know being rather rude is not an actual offence. Unless it was considered a 'Hate' crime, which is at best a very ill defined, dubious law, and at worst an actual threat to the people of this country.

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On 12/09/2022 at 12:05, West 77 said:

Whatever the cost is terrific value for money for the British taxpayer.  All the pictures of the events are being shown all over the World. It's a massive advert for our great nation and will boost tourism for years if not for decades to come.  The prestige of the British brand will also boost overseas trade for British companies.

We haven't had the bill yet, so how can you know if it's value for money? 

And how can we afford it when we can't seem to afford anything else?


I also think you're rather optimistic if you think the minutiae and detail that we are being subjected to is going to all over the world, or that it will boost overseas trade to any extent. 

Tourism might benefit in the short term, but business is generally pretty hard nosed. 

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33 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The sum paid has not been made public therefore it's not a fact and only a guess.  All we do know is Prince Andrew agreed to an out of court settlement regarding a civil matter  in the platinum jubilee of his Mother's reign as Queen at a time when her health was clearly deteriorating. Out of court settlements normally happen in the USA regarding civil matters when famous people are involved.  I repeat you're an utter disgrace who lacks common decency and respect. 

Clearly he's as guilty as hell then.


Edited by The_DADDY
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Guest makapaka
3 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The sum paid has not been made public therefore it's not a fact and only a guess.  All we do know is Prince Andrew agreed to an out of court settlement regarding a civil matter  in the platinum jubilee of his Mother's reign as Queen at a time when her health was clearly deteriorating. Out of court settlements normally happen in the USA regarding civil matters when famous people are involved.  I repeat you're an utter disgrace who lacks common decency and respect. 

Keep on defending the indefensible- you’re doing a great job of proving the point that people have lost the plot.

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