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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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As Monarchic dirty laundry about British politics gets aired, and one corporate mouthpiece after the other descends into an orgy of grief on MournHub, seems a lot of Forum Conservatives are starting to lose their **** at the minute. 


Delighted. More scales off more eyes, please 🤗


PS: quite enjoyed that shot.



Smart lad, that Harry is 😉

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13 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Apparently, people queue 8-9 hours for the corpse in a box show! Is it worth it?

If that's not bad enough,  this morning GMB on ITV had 2 'unknowns' in the studio because they were the first people to see the coffin!


You'd think people being sat in studio should be somebody who has something important to say/ share that might benefit viewers- not some flipping Joe public who was in front of a queue!

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11 hours ago, Longcol said:

Eeeh - it only seems like yesterday since Oliver Cromwell and t'skinheads were beating crap out of Charlie I's hippies then lopping off his 'eead.

Those were the days.

10 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Don’t forget the kids favourite , Royal bum wiper . …. 

Nic Whitchell?

11 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The News at the Moment 😏


Tim, nice but dim.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

It's a worthwhile news story.  Listening to the reasons why normal members of the public queued for hours and days in the case of the 2 unknowns to pay their respects to our Queen is of interest to many television viewers. 

Old washerwoman nonsense.

As a certain poster might say.

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3 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Hes a comedian


Its a satirical view at how some people think they knew the Queen and how the media like to do silly puff pieces 

Ooops. Had me fooled.

Actually it's not difficult to be fooled, as this sort of guff is actually out there.


As a republican I want to see an end to the monarchy, but don't have a huge personal issue with the late queen. She wasn't as wonderful and magnificent as some like to think, but let them have their day. It will all (eventually) come out in the wash. (90 years to see their wills!)

What does annoy me, is when the media think they are speaking for us all. Such blind arrogance.


As I have said on another site, I think Charles will be like Boris, and bring his own house down with his inherent arrogance. He'll be the recruiting sergeant for Republic, a la  Ian Paisley for the IRA.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

It's a worthwhile news story.  Listening to the reasons why normal members of the public queued for hours and days in the case of the 2 unknowns to pay their respects to our Queen is of interest to many television viewers. 

So you see other people as normal?  So what does that make you ? 

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