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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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In her defence, not that I have met her or could recognise her in a crowd, while she takes no money from the privy purse, she earns a salary from working as a director of an art gallery which is entirely reasonable for a woman with a BA Degree. She also does unpaid work for a series of charities and she has represented Prince Andrew and the queen at official engagements.


So while I am not standing up to justify spending 2 million on her wedding, to say "She carries no royal functions, no useful purpose " is incorrect.

I bet there are other royal hangers on that do a lot less than this.

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Then it ought to have been a consideration when she was planning where to get married.

Does she really need to parade all around Windsor in a horse and carriage? Policing that route must have doubled the security bill.


Why not follow Zara Phillips example, a small wedding in a country church in Scotland.


My thoughts exactly. However Princess Anne brought her children up very differently to Prince Andrew, she's much more down to earth. Zara and Peter Phillips although privileged, had no titles. The two princesses however have, IMO, been encouraged to feel entitled. Not the most attractive trait.

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In her defence, not that I have met her or could recognise her in a crowd, while she takes no money from the privy purse, she earns a salary from working as a director of an art gallery which is entirely reasonable for a woman with a BA Degree. She also does unpaid work for a series of charities and she has represented Prince Andrew and the queen at official engagements.


So while I am not standing up to justify spending 2 million on her wedding, to say "She carries no royal functions, no useful purpose " is incorrect.

I bet there are other royal hangers on that do a lot less than this.


Apart from holidays (I think it was 14 last year,) what work does she actually do in her job as 'director of an art gallery' that justifies a salary of £3.2 million?


I know lots of people with BA degrees. Not one of them earns £3.2 million. In fact quite a few of them have been unable to get any work at all in their field. She is where she is purely because she is HRH.

Edited by Anna B
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Apart from holidays (I think it was 14 last year,) what work does she actually do in her job as 'director of an art gallery' that justifies a salary of £3.2 million?


I know lots of people with BA degrees. Not one of them earns £3.2 million. In fact quite a few of them have been unable to get any work at all in their field. She is where she is purely because she is HRH.


And the problem is what exactly?


If you're stupid enough to get into a field where connections are required to be successful and you have none, then whose fault is that?

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Apart from holidays (I think it was 14 last year,) what work does she actually do in her job as 'director of an art gallery' that justifies a salary of £3.2 million?


I know lots of people with BA degrees. Not one of them earns £3.2 million. In fact quite a few of them have been unable to get any work at all in their field. She is where she is purely because she is HRH.


She has a net wealth of 3.2 million not an annual salary of it. In other words, she is worth 3.2 million in all assets, including her home, and cash But I know exactly what you mean and I too question why she should be worth that much anyways, It is all obviously "family" money given or inherited.

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