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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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18 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

I don't think there has been a Ginger Nut in the Royal Family since HenryV111 centuries ago,  Harry is the spitting image of the Army Officer  Diana was knocking off,  time for a Paternity test,  lets get the DNA samples going, that'll be a laugh when the results  come out.  :hihi:

The only certainty there is that Diana gave birth to him.

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1 hour ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Forced out of what? he still trades off his royal connection, without that he'd be nothing and he knows it.

Harry has been forced out of the Royal circle and line of succession, he will never become king.

The Monarchy would not allow him to stay in the line of succession due to him not being a son of Charles.

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31 minutes ago, alandrea0 said:

Harry has been forced out of the Royal circle and line of succession, he will never become king.

The Monarchy would not allow him to stay in the line of succession due to him not being a son of Charles.

I received a Facebook ban for posting a comment like that. I even provided photo proof 

BOOM.... 30 Days in Facebook jail 🙄

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1 hour ago, blackydog said:

Do you do any research before posting? As it happens you are right but you could check and not "think".

I getting this all the time with people who think (hence think they know) only to prove them incorrect. They are correct only until proved wrong.

The latest YouGov poll shows that 62% wanted to retain the monarchy and 22% wanted to get rid, leaving a 16% of don't knows. However if you break it down the young un's (and these are what matters) are about level at just over 30% for each camp.

If there was a war I would fight to protect my family, and this mess of a country. I would not be showing any allegiance to royalty.

I was trying to be polite by using the words I think .

If you were in the armed forces you would swear an oath to serve King and Country and most probably be in a regt/corps with the title Royal and have a crown on the cap badge.

1 hour ago, Waldo said:

Maybe, not aware of any survey!


I’d endeavour to do the right thing and trust my own judgement. I believe a big problem humanity has, is how we’re all divided by artificial man-made constructs, like nationality. The extent to which a man is a patriot, is the extent to which he is an enemy of (the wholeness of) human kind. It’s also a massive problem how a minority govern and control the masses (this dynamic often results in war; it’s never the common man who thinks war is a top idea).


Your question isn't a simple one; there are many considerations and context is important. Is the conflict a just one, self defence say? Or are you talking war mongering abroad?


It’s possible a person may choose to defend their homeland without being enamoured of the king part of ‘king and country’.


You notice how the establishment try to fuse the two things (king and country) together, as if they’re inseparable. It’s like Putin does with Russia; Putin’s regime, IS, Russia; etc.


Erm, no.

Thank you for a thoughtful reply.

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I received a Facebook ban for posting a comment like that. I even provided photo proof 

BOOM.... 30 Days in Facebook jail 🙄

This is typical of the royalist society we live in, anyone who would like to see the monarchy deposed are not allowed to  have their views put in the media spotlight where it could be read by millions.

All media is controlled by royalists, you only have to look at the BBC which has been 24/7 all about the royals since she died.

I can see all people on this forum with republican views being banned...

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7 minutes ago, alandrea0 said:

This is typical of the royalist society we live in, anyone who would like to see the monarchy deposed are not allowed to  have their views put in the media spotlight where it could be read by millions.

All media is controlled by royalists, you only have to look at the BBC which has been 24/7 all about the royals since she died.

I can see all people on this forum with republican views being banned...


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