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Just now, Waldo said:

Hard to judge I guess; possible, but there's so much that happens behind closed doors, that we're just not aware of.


My gut feeling is she's very manipulative and intentional in the way she presents (spins and lies) things, in order to cultivate a particular image for herself. If she wasn't so self-obsessed, perhaps she'd care less what others' think of her? I dunno; I'm not a psychologist, I'm only a monkey!

Both scenarios are pretty grim but if I had to pick one I'd say I hope it's just the scenario in bold.


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3 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

Jeez,  you’re even creepier than I thought.

There’s a whole world of victim blaming, mixing evidence with supposition and a few other things that I’d better not name., all being exhibited this evening.

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9 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Commercial settlement with no admission of any liability.  A reasonable and common consideration for any high-profile accused which will be considered by any well-trained lawyer.


The alleged victim could have stuck by a principles. She was the one who wanted "justice" so badly. She wanted her day in court so the "truth" could be heard.  If she had the "solid evidence" she claimed, why did she do it. But we all know what she really wanted and she got it. Tick tock tick tock before she moves on to the next high profile person with more allegations.


5 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

Jeez,  you’re even creepier than I thought.

His bold, she did say this, so you can't argue that part. 

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1 minute ago, *_ash_* said:


His bold, she did say this, so you can't argue that part. 

You can, Ash.


Just imagine the forces ranged against her. I think she was gutsy to take things as far as she did. 

In any case, anyone who dislikes Meghan so much, but defends Andrew, is more than a bit  creepy in my opinion.

Edited by sibon
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7 minutes ago, sibon said:

You can, Ash.


Just imagine the forces ranged against her. I think she was gutsy to take things as far as she did. 

In any case, anyone who dislikes Meghan so much, but defends Andrew, is more than a bit  creepy in my opinion.

You can argue that the forces ranged against her were high, but she said she wanted her day in court. 


You're right, she went that far, but why not go over the line and finish what she said she wanted?


Money talks. And she answered. If she had the concrete evidence and got her day in court, she would have made far more than the 'alleged' £12m. 




As for Megan, I also don't particularly like her, and not because of O'brien's reasoning that anyone who dislikes her is racist. I didn't even know she was black until he told us. 

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

That's all probably true, but I always got the impression that the Queen did what she was told by the men in Grey suits and by Phillip. Charles is much more his own man and has his own ideas so that might cause problems. I don't mind him actually, I think he'll make a good king if he can do it his way, but they won't like it. 


As for Harry and Meghan, I'm not surprised they got out of it. Meghan wasn't sufficiently awed by the British monarchy to put up with all the silliness of it, and no doubt that had its affect on Harry. They're better off going it alone, but it's a pity the monarchy couldn't bend a little bit to accommodate them and keep them in he fold.

-But that's the British Monarchy all over.

Meghan knew exactly what she was getting involved with and why

2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

I think what you mean to say there is Megan didn't get enough of the the attention, ego stroking and adulation from the masses that SHE thought SHE deserved.


She's a vacuous celebrity brought up with the ultimate silliness of the Hollywood and fame hungry desperation.  She thought she could muscle her way into the legacy courtship bringing her so called "star power" to drive her way into becoming numero uno woman in something as established as the British monarchy.   All of which driven by her meek husband who clearly has the same sorts of delusions and media manipulative approach as his late mother did.  Megan felt she could outshine the only woman who really was top of the tree. She failed and as soon as she realised that, she turned into the two faced gossip mongering attention seeker that a vast majority of people now loathe about her.


She created the tantrums, she threw in the towel, she ran away to the States dragging her obviously yes-miss husband along with her and now trying to find alternative ways of using her status and titles to keep in the limelight, power and remain relevant.    Perhaps when they stop with their smearing television interviews and gossipy speculative book launches and whinging about the very institution which is actually keeping them in their celebrity status and their mansions then at that point they might seriously be able to repair the damage and get back into a place within it. Until such time, Charles, William, Kate owes her no favours and in fact it's only public relations and protocols which are keeping them from basically tell them both of them to go shove it.  


I will be very interested to know some of the conversations behind closed doors, "oh my dead mother" excuse has been  rolled out by Harry far too much. William has gone through exactly the same sort of grief and has not resorted to running away telling tales and slagging off the very institution they are part of.  Charles is now going through the exact sort of grief and bearly had a day to get his thoughts together before he's been rolled around the country on public duty taking over one of the most difficult and prominent roles he will have to face.


Meghan and Harry are grown adults. They've done nothing that deserves them being extra 'accommodated' any way shape or form. They do the royal duties properly or they sod off and go their own way independently. They can't switch the prestige and titles on and off whenever it suits them to gain publicity or relevance to do so is an absolute disgrace.


I'm sure deep down Harry really knows this. He just needs to stand up to his manipulative ego filled wife. 




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1 minute ago, *_ash_* said:

You can argue that the forces ranged against her were high, but she said she wanted her day in court. 


You're right, she went that far, but why not go over the line and finish what she said she wanted?


Money talks. And she answered. If she had the concrete evidence and got her day in court, she would have made far more than the 'alleged' £12m. 




As for Megan, I also don't particularly like her, and not because of O'brien's reasoning that anyone who dislikes her is racist. I didn't even know she was black until he told us. 

But you do know that Andrew has a predilection for young girls. And that he hung out with sex offenders and sex traffickers. That alone should have seen him kicked out of the royal family.


 I really don’t think anyone should have been surprised when Giuffre bailed out. There is only so much anyone can take. Imagine the pressure/threats that the establishment can call upon.


I honestly can’t believe that there are people out there, willing to make excuses for ex HRH Andrew, but also willing to trash Meghan Markle.



7 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Meghan knew exactly what she was getting involved with and why


Did you ever consider answering those questions that I asked you?


Give me a minute, I will dig them out for you. That will make it easy for you to respond.

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4 minutes ago, sibon said:

But you do know that Andrew has a predilection for young girls. And that he hung out with sex offenders and sex traffickers. That alone should have seen him kicked out of the royal family.


 I really don’t think anyone should have been surprised when Giuffre bailed out. There is only so much anyone can take. Imagine the pressure/threats that the establishment can call upon.


I honestly can’t believe that there are people out there, willing to make excuses for ex HRH Andrew, but also willing to trash Meghan Markle.



Did you ever consider answering those questions that I asked you?


Give me a minute, I will dig them out for you. That will make it easy for you to respond.

Carry on , 

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1 minute ago, sibon said:

But you do know that Andrew has a predilection for young girls. And that he hung out with sex offenders and sex traffickers. That alone should have seen him kicked out of the royal family.


 I really don’t think anyone should have been surprised when Giuffre bailed out. There is only so much anyone can take. Imagine the pressure/threats that the establishment can call upon.


I honestly can’t believe that there are people out there, willing to make excuses for ex HRH Andrew, but also willing to trash Meghan Markle.

I'm not making excuses for him, it doesn't take a degree in psychology to see he's obviously a wrong en, especially watching that interview.


And he has effectively been kicked out of the family. All his titles is about all you can do with a family member in the royals, what else can they do?, you can't erase him from existence. This is the first time anyone has seen him since his payout, and you can't expect him not to come and see his Mum's death. 

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