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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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your pre-assuming that there is a need for a royal set-up in the first place. They may not be a need for it at all. France, Germany, Italy and most of the rest of the countries in Europe, who used to have it, seem to do reasonably well without it. And no, they don't miss it. Apart from a few retards.


it's not as popular as it may seem. Most people, in most countries, do not like having a monarch-type figure who's succession is based on an hereditary line, as the head of state. It is just wrong and plainly and clearly unjust. If you can't see that then there's something wrong with you.


It is well out of step with the modern world and there is no doubt about that. The trouble is that there is no way to get rid of it without there being a war or a violent revolution, and nobody wants that.


I'm not sure William or Harry want it enough to hold onto it. They don't have the Queen's sense of duty or belief in the Almighty. Maybe they'll give it up, but I'm not holding my breath.


But I do think there will be a great curfuffle when the Queen dies. A lot of the current reverence is down to her and her alone. She is the institution. I don't think Charles can cut it. I fully expect there to be a huge renewed call for the monarchy to be abolished when that happens.

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if there was a referendum about it, most people would vote to retain it. Have no doubt about that. It would be about 2:1.


but only about 30% of people actually have any real belief in the monarchy.


a lesser number about 20%, don't believe in it at all, and would want to get rid of it.


the rest don't care and would just wait to see where the wind blows.

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I agree, and we need all the good, happy news we can get lately.

Im perfectly happy to pay my 69p a year.


Not really, however it seems that some people find even that small an amount too much and makes their blood boil


If its such a small amount I’ll forward my bank details and you can pay mine...


68p via every tax payer...not such a small amount anymore...is it? :rolleyes:

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I have just read that the support for the Monarchy in the UK is around 75%, whereas you state "Only about 30% of the people" etc etc.


At the end of the day I believe people will act on two things:


a) do we want to keep the lineage that goes back a 1000 years, and tells us historically where we came from and what happened along the way ? Or discard all that ? (someone said France and German did that so why should n't we ?) That's a reason ???

b) is the Royal Family a value to the UK and the Commonwealth ? If not then people will follow the naysayers. From everything I can read and watch, it appears that it is still a valued asset and impossible to duplicate


That is not to say that some changes cannot be made to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Some may complain, but in the final analysis, it will stay, as it is such a crucial part of the country's DNA

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I have just read that the support for the Monarchy in the UK is around 75%, whereas you state "Only about 30% of the people" etc etc.


At the end of the day I believe people will act on two things:


a) do we want to keep the lineage that goes back a 1000 years, and tells us historically where we came from and what happened along the way ? Or discard all that ? (someone said France and German did that so why should n't we ?) That's a reason ???

b) is the Royal Family a value to the UK and the Commonwealth ? If not then people will follow the naysayers. From everything I can read and watch, it appears that it is still a valued asset and impossible to duplicate


That is not to say that some changes cannot be made to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Some may complain, but in the final analysis, it will stay, as it is such a crucial part of the country's DNA


Does our current Royal family go back that far in English history?

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I have just read that the support for the Monarchy in the UK is around 75%, whereas you state "Only about 30% of the people" etc etc.



you don't get it. Most people don't give two hoots for the monarchy at all. it is not a feature of or a factor in their lives. They have other things to think about.


The people you are claiming 'support' the monarchy, are actually just the ones who don't want to get rid of it and consign it to history like most of the other countries in Europe have done. A lot of that 75% you claim 'support' the monarchy, actually don't care about the monarchy at all.


about 30% of people really ARE supporters of the monarchy. They think its really important.


but there is also a smaller number of people, I would guess a little less than 20% who not only are not supporters of the monarchy, but who would want to get rid of it.


but most people don't care about the monarchy at all.

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As I understand it the lineage goes back to William the Conqueror (a Norman) in 1066,but there have been a few breaks along the way eg. the introduction of the Hanoverians in the 1700s to keep a male line intact.

But my point is that the UK has been a good custodian of what happened historically, why, and the consequences (good or not so good). And transitioned to a successful constitutional monarchy. The country has learnt a lot by this and the Queen, despite the naysayers, embodies all that experience and knowledge and is respected for this. I don't support throwing that away.

Also the institution has value to many people in the UK, because foreign visitors want to see the most successful monarchy for themselves, bringing in millions of pounds to small businesses, the country's largest employee group.


Could it be wishful thinking when you say "Only 30% of the people care about the monarchy?" From my review of support for the Monarchy it appears significantly higher, but I don't know the exact number.

And you may have a point in that many people are apathetic. But try to remove something of national value, and they will come alive quickly

Edited by glennpickard
wrong word
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How does that show that the people haven't got there because of what they know?


Because Privately educated individuals are vastly over represented in the top jobs.

Tim nice but Dim can still get a cracking job in spite of being a bit thick if he knows the right people - you know it, I know it, everybody knows it. Don't bump into them very often down the jobcentre.


I can only assume that Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie (2:! degree) are particularly gifted as they seem able to do their jobs in spite of being on holiday for large parts of the year, (14 last year.)


Takes 'working from home' to a whole new level.

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