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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:


I don't belive the timeline. 

Besides, you only need to look at the pictures. The resemblance is obvious 

An ex girlfriend of mine was always being told she looked the spitting image of her mother, the problem being with that was she was adopted. People see what they want to see and disregard anything else as it fits their way of thinking.

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1 minute ago, Dromedary said:

An ex girlfriend of mine was always being told she looked the spitting image of her mother, the problem being with that was she was adopted. People see what they want to see and disregard anything else as it fits their way of thinking.

That's quite patronising. 

I don't 'want to see' anything. I have no dog in that fight but if you deny a striking resemblance then it's obviously You who wants to see something. 

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3 hours ago, dan2802 said:

Without reading the last 187 posts. Is everyone else beginning to think Prince Harry is a bit of a see you next Tuesday ?

No. I think some of the people writing articles about them are, Piers, Desperate Dan ect. They keep saying how board they are with Harry/Megahn yet they spend all day talking about them.

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

That's quite patronising. 

To who?

2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I don't 'want to see' anything. I have no dog in that fight but if you deny a striking resemblance then it's obviously You who wants to see something

That does not make sense, I'm saying I can't see any! Talking about dogs though....   I have seen people who also look a bit like their dogs but that does not mean they are related. 

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I think Harry is well aware what happened to his mother, which is why he's chosen to leave the Royal Family.....

The Royal Family are now aware that he is a loose cannon like his mother, hence the effort to brand him and his wife as a nutter etc.


Watch this space.....

Edited by Anna B
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20 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I think Harry is well aware what happened to his mother, which is why he's chosen to leave the Royal Family.....

The Royal Family are now aware that he is a loose cannon like his mother, hence the effort to brand him and his wife as a nutter etc.


Watch this space.....

Who in the Royal family has branded Harry a nutter?


There are just two people who have created this pathetic tacky situation for cash.


There are just two people who have sold his family down the river for cash. 


How people can defend them is absolutely astounding, but not surprising.


I guarantee if anything happens to either of them it will be someone else's fault.

A pair of absolute parasites.

Edited by Al Bundy
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Guest makapaka
15 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Why ?  because a mardy little sod with a chip on his shoulder and a hungry wife to feed ,is feeding a sob story to those silly enough to buy it  . 

True or untrue it’s all damaging. What’s left of the royals anyway? An aging king past his sell by date with his disgraced brother and former mistress wife . His over privileged son waiting in the wings being dragged through the tabloids with his coke snorting brother chipping  away in the background.


you’d have to be a strange cat to respect that crowd.

Edited by makapaka
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