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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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To my knowledge the Royal family are a mixture of English, German, Greek, Scottish, and soon to be American (via Harry and Meaghan), a commendable background. There may even be some French or Spanish blood in there from centuries past, but we would need an expert Royalist to assist in this regard


There is normally a specific separation of powers between a Head of State and a Prime Minister, which allows both positions to participate in managing government without being overwhelmed. The Queen and her family carry many duties that a PM would have trouble fulfilling, and often, but not always, the Head of State's role is more ceremonial than political. Both the French and the Irish Republic have a head of state with split powers. I prefer the system.

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Looking at a photo of Charles (1st in line to the Throne) yesterday in the paper, I was almost in shock, how can the poor man carry all those medals around without damaging his spine in some way.


After a quick google it transpires he has over 30 medals, one given when he was four years old. A little more reading and it adds to the incredulity that not even one medal was awarded for active service in a war. Indeed his honours are made up of awards for serving in a particular time or place and being a member of a high-ranking order, and medals from other countries.


Not been a Royalist in any way and reading about his medals, it just enhances my opinion that most " Royals " are acting out a lifelong Pantomime that we have to contribute to, like it or not.



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If he has a medal for each country who is in the Commonwealth, not that I know he has, he will be carrying a lot of extra weight and medals.


I don’t know about the Royals acting out a Pantomime, I would say Parliament is one big Pantomime and you can get seats in the balconies to watch the politicians play their Part.

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Yesterday I watched the BBC programme...Prince, Son and Heir-Charles at 70.


I was very impressed with how Charles came across, he seems to be a genuinely caring warm person and very dedicated to his charity commitments.

A very insightful programme with interviews from William and Harry and the Dutchess of Cornwall.

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If he has a medal for each country who is in the Commonwealth, not that I know he has, he will be carrying a lot of extra weight and medals.


I don’t know about the Royals acting out a Pantomime, I would say Parliament is one big Pantomime and you can get seats in the balconies to watch the politicians play their Part.

Well said.


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Yesterday I watched the BBC programme...Prince, Son and Heir-Charles at 70.


I was very impressed with how Charles came across, he seems to be a genuinely caring warm person and very dedicated to his charity commitments.

A very insightful programme with interviews from William and Harry and the Dutchess of Cornwall.


I have always liked Prince Charles, he’s got a good sense of humour. A few years ago there was a programme about The Princes Trust, didn’t realise what a lot of good work that it did. Going into prisons and trying to help people turn their lifes around.

I haven’t seen the programme hoping to watch it tonight.

Edited by hauxwell
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People have short memories. Remember Princess Di. And how that lot treated her. :suspect:


Airbrushed out of their memories now I would say. Remember when Charlie took up with Camilla publicly (Diana, "there are three of us in this marriage) as the affair had been going on for a long while. The nation rose as one to say Camilla will NEVER be Queen. Don't hold your breath, it will happen I think.



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Airbrushed out of their memories now I would say. Remember when Charlie took up with Camilla publicly (Diana, "there are three of us in this marriage) as the affair had been going on for a long while. The nation rose as one to say Camilla will NEVER be Queen. Don't hold your breath, it will happen I think.



It makes laugh Edward V111 had to abdicate to marry a divorcee so why is this jerk allowed to be king. :gag:

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