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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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55 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I'd be very interested to see a poll of the people, to see how many now wish to abolish the monarchy. 


A great many people respected the late Queen even if they were somewhat opposed to the institution. She was a dutiful monarch and they at least wanted her to see out her days peacefully with the monarchy which she personified intact.


That's changed. So have the times. We don't live in the 1950s anymore.


The modern Royals have been found to have feet of clay, and the institution is hopelessly outdated, as Wills and Kate discovered when they tried to Lord it on a visit to the outposts of the Empire...


The Royals have a tough act to follow, and at the very least need a profound rethink of their positions in a modern society.


Completely agree. I consider the institution of monarchy to be an anachronistic undemoratic and divisive set up way past its sell by date.


I also agree that the late queen deserved some respect, she carried out her archaic duties as well as anyone could wish.

Completely different ball game now. Charles is a man who married his first wife for breeding purposes only, with no intention of remaining faithful to her. Despite being incredibly rich and not wanting for anything his entire life he has taken part in dodgy ' Del Boy ' type deals and forced his toothbrush loader Michael Fawcett to take the fall. He has accepted suitcases full of cash from people with appalling Human Rights records and is a car crash waiting to happen.

William is now Prince of Wales and as his father said you can't expect someone with that title not to have a mistress. Rumours have it that he is already following tradition.


Given the intrusive international media and the Kardashian type interest in the monarchy it is only a matter of time before it gets embarrassing.


Having said that I don't believe there is any chance of it changing. People in this country are raised to be servile and too many accept it. Those of us who disagree -  despite being plentiful - will not change anything in my opinion.



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8 hours ago, trastrick said:

The whole of traditional Western society is crumbling under the politics of WOKE.  Family, Community and Country  all sacrificed at the alter of today's radical Liberal New World Order.


The Monarchy in their anxious haste to bow down to the politically correct movement, has just screwed itself again.


First that dear old Dowager was publicly lynched, and deep sixed for getting it wrong, now they foist an aging Charlie on the same public that won't buy him either!


I'm no Monarchist, but as a PR Agent for them, I would have skipped Charlie altogether, he's way past his "best before date", and gone with  William and Kate.


Perhaps they could have hung on for a few more years!



Prince Harry once said that none of the young royals wanted to be the monarch.

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10 minutes ago, cressida said:

Prince Harry once said that none of the young royals wanted to be the monarch.

Excellent, because a lot of us don't want them to be the monarch either.

Problem solved, they can retire to their country estate and the palaces can be opened up to visitors bringing in some much needed income.

A non executive President can be elected as Head of State. David Attenborough may be a little too old for the role now but Michael Palin or someone of that ilk.

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29 minutes ago, cressida said:

Prince Harry once said that none of the young royals wanted to be the monarch.

I can believe that. It's a job which comes with a lifetime of heavy responsibilities. I think Charles is well versed in what it means and will ernestly do his best. I also believe Charles wants the monarchy to change for the better. It's the men in grey suits who are holding on for grim death to the old ways in case it threatens their position.


Remember the monarchy is the head of a system of elitism and hereditary titles. Our class bound society is riddled with it. While society has moved on to more enlightened egalitarian times, the elites have not. They still think we are living in the days of empire and they are born to be in charge. It's still the elites who run things in their own interests. Democracy is proven to be something of a sham.


Our voting system hasn't changed much since the days of the rotten boroughs, and our second House is still the 'House of Lords' (and clergy.) Personally, I think it is holding us back....

Edited by Anna B
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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I can believe that. It's a job which comes with a lifetime of heavy responsibilities. I think Charles is well versed in what it means and will ernestly do his best. I also believe Charles wants the monarchy to change for the better. It's the men in grey suits who are holding on for grim death to the old ways in case it threatens their position.


Remember the monarchy is the head of a system of elitism and hereditary titles. Our class bound society is riddled with it. While society has moved on to more enlightened egalitarian times, the elites have not. They still think we are living in the days of empire and they are born to be in charge. It's still the elites who run things in their own interests. Democracy is proven to be something of a sham.


Our voting system hasn't changed much since the days of the rotten boroughs, and our second House is still the 'House of Lords' (and clergy.) Personally, I think it is holding us back....

I do not think things would change much if the monarchy was abolished.

There would be the usual shouting for a while but things would just be the same but with different names.

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36 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I do not think things would change much if the monarchy was abolished.

There would be the usual shouting for a while but things would just be the same but with different names.

I would completely agree.   People are living in a dream if they think that getting rid of royalty will instantly remove millenia of privilege, hierarchy and categorisation.


Just take a look around the world, take a look at basic human nature.  Everything from your clothes to school to home to job to car to accent to food you eat to how you eat to where you shop puts you in some sort of score range and assumed category.  


They'll always be the elitist and underclass. There will always be a 1001 levels in between of social standing.  


Even in the gun toting land of the free where anyone can allegedly be anything they want, there is clear distinction in the class ranges. There is the Eastern/West coast elitists, the Hamptons set, the Country Club circles pitted against the brash Texans or the rural Nebraskans or bumper sticker "Florida Man" types.  


Even in the communist equality regimes, there is clear distinction between the workers and the rulers by a galactic mile.  


Swapping King Charles for President Starmer ain't going to change that.

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I believe Prince Harry probably said it when he was much younger,  when his relationship with the family was amicable.


I'm quite happy with the status quo,  any monies produced from selling the palaces etc.  would soon disappear under any government,  probably ending up being bought by the Saudis.

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2 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I do not think things would change much if the monarchy was abolished.

There would be the usual shouting for a while but things would just be the same but with different names.

Maybe not, and certainly Royalty are figureheads in a way that elected Premiers can't match.

But if the Elite were abolished, along with all the hangers on, then things would have to change. 


Of course you would still need people to run things, but maybe then everyone would be in with a chance of rising to the top, and not just the privileged classes with friends in high places.

Instead we would have a true meritocracy.

Edited by Anna B
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