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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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11 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I do not think things would change much if the monarchy was abolished.

There would be the usual shouting for a while but things would just be the same but with different names.

There's always somebody in charge of the great unwashed.


Kings, Pharaohs, Caesars, Popes, Mullah's, Generalissimos, Bureaucrats, Dictators.


At least with democracy you get to choose your own poison.


Chose wisely!

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16 hours ago, cressida said:

Prince Harry once said that none of the young royals wanted to be the monarch.

Whats a woke

16 hours ago, m williamson said:

Excellent, because a lot of us don't want them to be the monarch either.

Problem solved, they can retire to their country estate and the palaces can be opened up to visitors bringing in some much needed income.

A non executive President can be elected as Head of State. David Attenborough may be a little too old for the role now but Michael Palin or someone of that ilk.

They should be made to give the stolen Country estates back , The houses can be converted into social housing and they should enter the job market like the rest of us .

As to who could be in charge , Terry Fox and that Conservative lass he hired to to run Sheffield they would sort things out .

Edited by cuttsie
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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

There's always somebody in charge of the great unwashed.


Kings, Pharaohs, Caesars, Popes, Mullah's, Generalissimos, Bureaucrats, Dictators.


At least with democracy you get to choose your own poison.


Chose wisely!

Not sure that's true any more. 

FPTP Democracy isn't working.


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16 hours ago, Anna B said:

Not sure that's true any more. 

FPTP Democracy isn't working.


Put it another way.


There are the bakers and the sharers.


You can't have the sharers, if you don't bring in the bakers, once in a while. Governments produce no goods. or real jobs.


That's why every so often in a democracy, you get a  Reagan, Thatcher, Trump, Musk.  To free up incentives to create real, not borrowed, wealth.


If lib/socialist policies ever worked, except on a temporary basis, there would never be such a thing as a conservative party, and one would have no chance of getting elected by the great majority  in any democracy, anywhere. Too many have nots.

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  • 2 months later...

So Windsor Castle Intruder Jaswant Singh Chail is in court, apparently the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre was the motivation, however he said he was trying to destroy the old empire and create a new empire, based on the Siths and Darth Vader from the Star wars films lol



He obviously has mental health issues mashing together real world historical instances with works of scfi fantasy and then trying to act on what he has created in his mind

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On 16/04/2023 at 06:12, trastrick said:

There's always somebody in charge of the great unwashed.


Kings, Pharaohs, Caesars, Popes, Mullah's, Generalissimos, Bureaucrats, Dictators.


At least with democracy you get to choose your own poison.


Chose wisely!

I wonder why you love this phrase so much as you use it regularly ?           That must be a legacy of when you was the last one in the galvanised tin bath as a kid.

Your attempts to be one of the knowledgeable elite is laughable.                Are you still sweeping your little hut on your Caribbean island ?


We don't have true democracy,  we have a sham.  We would have a democracy if every vote counted such as in Proportional Representation voting.

The next government may well be a hung government and we could well have a chance to finally achieve true democracy.


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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

So Windsor Castle Intruder Jaswant Singh Chail is in court, apparently the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre was the motivation, however he said he was trying to destroy the old empire and create a new empire, based on the Siths and Darth Vader from the Star wars films lol



He obviously has mental health issues mashing together real world historical instances with works of scfi fantasy and then trying to act on what he has created in his mind

I feel sorry for the guy.

Mental illness often isn't taken seriously enough until its too late. I hope if found guilty he's given a sentence where he gets treatment not just punishment. 

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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


The next government may well be a hung government and we could well have a chance to finally achieve true democracy.


That's what I'm hoping for, Labour need to do a pact with the Liberals and this time the Liberals don't allow the other party to fob them off with another unsuitable voting system, they stick to their guns and insist on PR+STV.


Whether that'll happen of course is another matter.

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3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I feel sorry for the guy.

Mental illness often isn't taken seriously enough until its too late. I hope if found guilty he's given a sentence where he gets treatment not just punishment. 

Agree with you on that.

Hopefully some commonsense and sympathy will come into play. I know that some will say he has to be punished severely otherwise mental health will be an ongoing defence for this type of thing but each case has to be judged separately and this one does look as though the man is suffering.

As you say he should receive treatment.

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