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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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45 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

In the constitution of the country HE is.

Maybe not in your opinion but in reality HE is.

Look at it as a pyramid with the King at the top and others below.

Once again you are giving your opinion of our monarchy which is completely irrelevant to the matter in hand.

Basically your opinion of the monarchy counts for nothing in the matter as it is facts you need to accept.

Enjoy the afternoon.

Tell me what the monarch could make me do if I am unwilling.

If I met Charles,  I could call him any name I like, as anti monarchists do all the time and there is nothing he could do.  All he does is ignore it.

Any man who is religious will put his God before his King and Charles himself accepts that God is greater than he is.

My opinion of the monarchy is that Charles is just a powerless figurehead who has no control over me unless I allow him,  which I will not.

Your opinion can be as it likes because that doesn't interest me..

You have no more right than I do,  to decide anything regarding the monarchy, Your opinion is just that, the same as mine. and counts for nothing.

I accept one fact only    -    that I HAVE NO KING.


18 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

You are passing your opinion again which is irrelevant

I think you will find the Monarch is head of state.



You are passing your opinion again which is irrelevant.

Charles is not my King and you are a nobody with no right to dictate to others.


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4 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

You are passing your opinion again which is irrelevant

I think you will find the Monarch is head of state.



Where did I say that he wasn't? Look at the first paragraph of my post # 2851.   He is Head of State in the same way that an elected President is Head of State ( but without being democratically elected ) a President of a Republic is first citizen, but is equal with the rest of the population.


As I said I don't accept your comment above us, if you lack the self respect to consider yourself an equal to others that is entirely up to you but don't try to tell others what they are.  


I assume you once again didn't open the link due to your inability to countenance facts which disprove your uneducated opinion?

That link is to a UK Parliament document which makes the following statement   It makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can create or end any law.

So when it comes to being on the top making all the decisions he isn't.  However, the monarch retains Sovereign Immunity which means that as far as he personally is concerned he can get away with anything that ensures he has personal protection from the law. But he can't order the public about that's up to parliament.





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31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Tell me what the monarch could make me do if I am unwilling.

If I met Charles,  I could call him any name I like, as anti monarchists do all the time and there is nothing he could do.  All he does is ignore it.

Any man who is religious will put his God before his King and Charles himself accepts that God is greater than he is.

My opinion of the monarchy is that Charles is just a powerless figurehead who has no control over me unless I allow him,  which I will not.

Your opinion can be as it likes because that doesn't interest me..

You have no more right than I do,  to decide anything regarding the monarchy, Your opinion is just that, the same as mine. and counts for nothing.

I accept one fact only    -    that I HAVE NO KING.


You are passing your opinion again which is irrelevant.

Charles is not my King and you are a nobody with no right to dictate to others.


You live in a society which has a system of seniority whereas the Monarch is much higher than you or me. Is that easier to understand ?

Charles is your King and it is silly to think otherwise.

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16 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Where did I say that he wasn't? Look at the first paragraph of my post # 2851.   He is Head of State in the same way that an elected President is Head of State ( but without being democratically elected ) a President of a Republic is first citizen, but is equal with the rest of the population.


As I said I don't accept your comment above us, if you lack the self respect to consider yourself an equal to others that is entirely up to you but don't try to tell others what they are.  


I assume you once again didn't open the link due to your inability to countenance facts which disprove your uneducated opinion?

That link is to a UK Parliament document which makes the following statement   It makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can create or end any law.

So when it comes to being on the top making all the decisions he isn't.  However, the monarch retains Sovereign Immunity which means that as far as he personally is concerned he can get away with anything that ensures he has personal protection from the law. But he can't order the public about that's up to parliament.





Again all irrelevant.

Let me explain things again in a different way.

We live in a society, there is a seniority in that society, we figure lower than the Monarch in that society.

When you were at work there will have been a management structure, probably MD, finance director, senior managers, dept. managers, workforce. There will have been different salaries with the MD on the biggest and those below him on lower salaries.

Therefore those on lower salaries were below those on the larger salaries.

For simplicity I have used salaries but I could have used responsibilities or skills.

Another example, private in the army is below a sergeant. The private may not respect or like the sergeant but he is still below him in the organisation even though the private may consider himself the equal of or better than the sergeant as a person.

Does that clarify things for you.


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23 minutes ago, harvey19 said:


Does that clarify things for you.


You can use anything you like to simplify your childish argument but Charles in not now and never will be my king.

Is that not clear enough for you ?  now,  back to your boot licking and inventing your next silly examples.


Edited by Organgrinder
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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You can use anything you like to simplify your childish argument but Charles in not now and never will be my king.

Is that not clear enough for you ?  now,  back to your boot licking and inventing your next silly examples.


Charles is your king.

Stop playing the rebel and accept the truth.

Did you get much done this afternoon ?

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3 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Charles is your king.

Stop playing the rebel and accept the truth.

Did you get much done this afternoon ?


4 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Charles is your king.

Stop playing the rebel and accept the truth.

Did you get much done this afternoon ?

Ha Ha Ha,   You get dafter and dafter.   I accept nothing.    He's just a pantomime character.   As far as I'm concerned, Charles can do one,  and you can follow him to lick his boots clean.


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10 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Again all irrelevant.

Let me explain things again in a different way.

We live in a society, there is a seniority in that society, we figure lower than the Monarch in that society.

When you were at work there will have been a management structure, probably MD, finance director, senior managers, dept. managers, workforce. There will have been different salaries with the MD on the biggest and those below him on lower salaries.

Therefore those on lower salaries were below those on the larger salaries.

For simplicity I have used salaries but I could have used responsibilities or skills.

Another example, private in the army is below a sergeant. The private may not respect or like the sergeant but he is still below him in the organisation even though the private may consider himself the equal of or better than the sergeant as a person.

Does that clarify things for you.


You are completely missing the point, which isn't that surprising. I'm not saying there isn't a structure, that's how things work. I'm saying no one is above us in the sense of being intrinsically ' better ' and entitled to deference over and beyond common politeness, which they  should return.

As it happens I was a regional director of a PLC for a number of years, then formed my own business and was managing director for over sixteen years.

At no time did I consider myself superior to any of the employees, we were equals doing specific jobs to enable the company to prosper. The only time they used the Mr prefix was when talking to a customer. Face to face it was first names. Treating people as your equal because they are your equal is simple commonsense.  When dealing with staff problems ( which were few and far between ) a civilised approach achieves far more than shouting and bawling and coming the Big I Am.


I don't have a King, he's all yours.


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8 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You are completely missing the point, which isn't that surprising. I'm not saying there isn't a structure, that's how things work. I'm saying no one is above us in the sense of being intrinsically ' better ' and entitled to deference over and beyond common politeness, which they  should return.

As it happens I was a regional director of a PLC for a number of years, then formed my own business and was managing director for over sixteen years.

At no time did I consider myself superior to any of the employees, we were equals doing specific jobs to enable the company to prosper. The only time they used the Mr prefix was when talking to a customer. Face to face it was first names. Treating people as your equal because they are your equal is simple commonsense.  When dealing with staff problems ( which were few and far between ) a civilised approach achieves far more than shouting and bawling and coming the Big I Am.


I don't have a King, he's all yours.


My full agreement because I had a similar working life and already knew that equality is the key to harmony.

I think harvey's stuck in the days of Mr Scrooge and must love Upstairs, Downstairs.


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59 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You are completely missing the point, which isn't that surprising. I'm not saying there isn't a structure, that's how things work. I'm saying no one is above us in the sense of being intrinsically ' better ' and entitled to deference over and beyond common politeness, which they  should return.

As it happens I was a regional director of a PLC for a number of years, then formed my own business and was managing director for over sixteen years.

At no time did I consider myself superior to any of the employees, we were equals doing specific jobs to enable the company to prosper. The only time they used the Mr prefix was when talking to a customer. Face to face it was first names. Treating people as your equal because they are your equal is simple commonsense.  When dealing with staff problems ( which were few and far between ) a civilised approach achieves far more than shouting and bawling and coming the Big I Am.


I don't have a King, he's all yours.


You are deliberating missing the point I am beginning to think.

You were the head of your small firm and as such were in all senses of the word above your employees.

In the structure your position was higher than those you employed.

You may have seen them as equals but you were their boss.

Why do you think you were referred to as Mister in front of visitors.

Is that really so hard to understand ?



47 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

My full agreement because I had a similar working life and already knew that equality is the key to harmony.

I think harvey's stuck in the days of Mr Scrooge and must love Upstairs, Downstairs.


You need to cast aside the rebel cause and accept reality.

I have tried to help you but your prejudices constantly stop you accepting the truth.

I will quote you a saying,    Lord help me change the things I am able to and Lord help me accept those things I can not change.  An old saying but worth considering.

Edited by harvey19
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