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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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31 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

You are deliberating missing the point I am beginning to think.

Is that really so hard to understand ?



You need to cast aside the rebel cause and accept reality.

There isn't a point to miss.

We are not discussing heads of this that and the other   -   we are discussing kings and we DO NOT recognise this king.

Forget about structures except the structure of a mans mind and what he believes.

We along with many others don't believe at all in the principle of monarchies so we do not accept any king or queen.

We do not consider them above us   -   they are just equals in our eyes    -    and we would not show any extra deference to them beyond ordinary politeness.

You seem to be steeped in rank whether at work or in our day to day lives and I consider that went out many many years ago.

Is it so hard to understand that I find you an overbearing bully with too much a sense of your own ( let alone a kings ) importance when, in reality,  you are a nobody except to your own family.


You don't need to be a rebel to set your own place in the world and decide that we are all equals with no one higher or lower.

Are you sure they didn't base Cpt Mainwaring  ( Dad's Army )  on you.  You are certainly pompous enough and also silly enough. That's the reality.



Edited by Organgrinder
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34 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

There isn't a point to miss.

We are not discussing heads of this that and the other   -   we are discussing kings and we DO NOT recognise this king.

Forget about structures except the structure of a mans mind and what he believes.

We along with many others don't believe at all in the principle of monarchies so we do not accept any king or queen.

We do not consider them above us   -   they are just equals in our eyes    -    and we would not show any extra deference to them beyond ordinary politeness.

You seem to be steeped in rank whether at work or in our day to day lives and I consider that went out many many years ago.

Is it so hard to understand that I find you an overbearing bully with too much a sense of your own ( let alone a kings ) importance when, in reality,  you are a nobody except to your own family.


You don't need to be a rebel to set your own place in the world and decide that we are all equals with no one higher or lower.

Are you sure they didn't base Cpt Mainwaring  ( Dad's Army )  on you.  You are certainly pompous enough and also silly enough. That's the reality.



I despair after all my explanations you do not understand.

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3 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I despair after all my explanations you do not understand.

I understand that you're a pompous little Hitler.

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11 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

You are deliberating missing the point I am beginning to think.

You were the head of your small firm and as such were in all senses of the word above your employees.

In the structure your position was higher than those you employed.

You may have seen them as equals but you were their boss.

Why do you think you were referred to as Mister in front of visitors.

Is that really so hard to understand ?




You are talking at cross purposes and completely missing the point but not deliberately, you just don't get it.


As I've already said there is a structure and we conform to the structure. However, we are all equal as human beings. In order to carry out business in a professional manner everyone has a part to play, no problem.

Where there is a problem is when someone believes that they are entitled to be regarded in a different way to everyone else, not because of what they do but because of who they are.


Do you understand that? As a monarchist you regard King Charles as your better, born to reign over you, if you were introduced to him you would no doubt be in awe and  be obsequious to him, bowing and sirring him like the serf you appear to be.


There are a considerable number of people in this country that do not accept all that nonsense. Understand?

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The Royals are really just a tradition to us Brits. Just a figure head. Nothing much else, although Kate is a very pleasant young woman. I enjoyed the London trips to all the guard changing etc, and was pleasantly surprised by how many foreign tourists were there, which is pretty good for our economy.  Let them have their pomp, and just go with the flow. They wont change how we live out our lives, so its not really worth arguing about x

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4 minutes ago, Cyclunt said:

The Royals are really just a tradition to us Brits. Just a figure head. Nothing much else, although Kate is a very pleasant young woman. I enjoyed the London trips to all the guard changing etc, and was pleasantly surprised by how many foreign tourists were there, which is pretty good for our economy.  Let them have their pomp, and just go with the flow. They wont change how we live out our lives, so its not really worth arguing about x

The problem is that it isn't without a serious negative side. It reinforces the view that some - not just the royals - are ' better ' than others and leads to a situation where the public school educated who have the connections end up in positions of power and continue the inequality.


Private schools educate 7% of school age children, 65% of the current Cabinet went to private schools. Their not exactly doing an exemplary job are they?


As for foreign tourists, how many actually get to see a member of the royal family?  France gets far more tourism than we do and they had a somewhat different way of dealing with royalty.

In France you can actually go into the former palaces .   The Palace of Versailles gets 15 Million visitors per year. Earlier this year I went to Paris with the family for a couple of days and we visited The Louvre a former fortress and royal residence, it was packed.

Imagine how much more we could make from tourists being allowed to visit all our palaces on a regular basis instead of the restricted entry to some and no entry to others which is how it currently works.

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1 minute ago, m williamson said:

The problem is that it isn't without a serious negative side. It reinforces the view that some - not just the royals - are ' better ' than others and leads to a situation where the public school educated who have the connections end up in positions of power and continue the inequality.


Private schools educate 7% of school age children, 65% of the current Cabinet went to private schools. Their not exactly doing an exemplary job are they?


As for foreign tourists, how many actually get to see a member of the royal family?  France gets far more tourism than we do and they had a somewhat different way of dealing with royalty.

In France you can actually go into the former palaces .   The Palace of Versailles gets 15 Million visitors per year. Earlier this year I went to Paris with the family for a couple of days and we visited The Louvre a former fortress and royal residence, it was packed.

Imagine how much more we could make from tourists being allowed to visit all our palaces on a regular basis instead of the restricted entry to some and no entry to others which is how it currently works.

Oh, ive no doubt it could be managed better, but the Royals are just something weve all grown up to know. Privileged kids do have good opportunities, but so do under privileged kids too. We raised our two on a sheffield council estate, and today one is a headmistress and the other is a designer. How the hell did that happen? No Royal help or private schooling there. Just me and the missus bringing up two kids the best we could, and they've managed to grow into two upstanding individuals. I dont buy the argument that class buys you success, as we are all capable of becoming something x

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