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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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8 minutes ago, Cyclunt said:

Oh, ive no doubt it could be managed better, but the Royals are just something weve all grown up to know. Privileged kids do have good opportunities, but so do under privileged kids too. We raised our two on a sheffield council estate, and today one is a headmistress and the other is a designer. How the hell did that happen? No Royal help or private schooling there. Just me and the missus bringing up two kids the best we could, and they've managed to grow into two upstanding individuals. I dont buy the argument that class buys you success, as we are all capable of becoming something x


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41 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You are talking at cross purposes and completely missing the point but not deliberately, you just don't get it.


As I've already said there is a structure and we conform to the structure. However, we are all equal as human beings. In order to carry out business in a professional manner everyone has a part to play, no problem.

Where there is a problem is when someone believes that they are entitled to be regarded in a different way to everyone else, not because of what they do but because of who they are.


Do you understand that? As a monarchist you regard King Charles as your better, born to reign over you, if you were introduced to him you would no doubt be in awe and  be obsequious to him, bowing and sirring him like the serf you appear to be.


There are a considerable number of people in this country that do not accept all that nonsense. Understand?

You are correct that we are talking at cross purposes.

I am not talking about individuals but the monarch and their position in society.

The person occupying this position has to act in a certain way appropriate to the role and position.

I recognise the position of the monarchy in our society .

It is the institution and not the individual that is above us in the pecking order. The individual represents the office.

If I met King Charles I would show him respect appropriate to his position as I would to anyone whatever their role in life.

I would not bow and scrape like a serf .

You ,and as you say do not accept the monarchy but unfortunately for you and them the situation exists and that is a fact.

48 minutes ago, m williamson said:

If you don't want to be insulted try to stop coming across as such a condescending prát.


 " I despair after all  my explanations you do not understand "

You disappoint me by referring to me as a condescending prat.

You need to read the insults which have been directed at me.


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Apparently, Meghan Markle is considering filling a Democrat seat in the short term, made vacant by the death of the sitting Congresswoman, Dianne Feinstein. 


Who knows?  Prince Harry could one day find himself as the First Lady? 



Edited by Baron99
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53 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

You are correct that we are talking at cross purposes.

I am not talking about individuals but the monarch and their position in society.

The person occupying this position has to act in a certain way appropriate to the role and position.

I recognise the position of the monarchy in our society .


You ,and as you say do not accept the monarchy but unfortunately for you and them the situation exists and that is a fact.

You disappoint me by referring to me as a condescending prat.

You need to read the insults which have been directed at me.


What you fail to understand is that,  people who are not monarchists,  do not recognise Charles and his position in society.

He may be sat there way above you but, to us,  he's just an ordinary bloke going through all the traditional nonsense.

The institution is not above us in the pecking order because we don't recognise it.  As far as we are concerned, It is just there for the benefit of people like you.

Do you understand the importance of The Pope to a person of the catholic faith ?  Can you understand that,  to a person who is not religious and doesn't believe in God,  The Pope is a nobody ?

I'm not at all interested in how you would  interact with the king.  You are free to believe what you like and behave how you like.

I would like to know what this situation is which exists for us because we don't see a situation at all, which has any bearing on our lives. 

We just see a grown man play acting,  often in very old fashioned clothes and sometimes with a sword and, if that makes you happy then fine,  but it doesn't interest us.

No situation exists at all.  You have a king and be thankful that we don't,  because some of us would want to tell him to grow up and stop acting daft.

Enjoy your royalty to your hearts content but stop lecturing us.


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22 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

That's fine.  I have no problem at all with you supporting the monarchy.

I take it that you have no objection to me NOT supporting the monarchy ?


No objection whatsoever as long as you don't resort to insulting those of us who do support the Monarchy.

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16 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

What you fail to understand is that,  people who are not monarchists,  do not recognise Charles and his position in society.

He may be sat there way above you but, to us,  he's just an ordinary bloke going through all the traditional nonsense.

The institution is not above us in the pecking order because we don't recognise it.  As far as we are concerned, It is just there for the benefit of people like you.

Do you understand the importance of The Pope to a person of the catholic faith ?  Can you understand that,  to a person who is not religious and doesn't believe in God,  The Pope is a nobody ?

I'm not at all interested in how you would  interact with the king.  You are free to believe what you like and behave how you like.

I would like to know what this situation is which exists for us because we don't see a situation at all, which has any bearing on our lives. 

We just see a grown man play acting,  often in very old fashioned clothes and sometimes with a sword and, if that makes you happy then fine,  but it doesn't interest us.

No situation exists at all.  You have a king and be thankful that we don't,  because some of us would want to tell him to grow up and stop acting daft.

Enjoy your royalty to your hearts content but stop lecturing us.


You have a lot to say on a subject that doesn’t interest you. 

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25 minutes ago, janie48 said:

No objection whatsoever as long as you don't resort to insulting those of us who do support the Monarchy.

I insult those who tell me what I must accept.    All the other monarchists are not my concern.

In the same way,  I shouldn't be theirs.

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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

What you fail to understand is that,  people who are not monarchists,  do not recognise Charles and his position in society.

He may be sat there way above you but, to us,  he's just an ordinary bloke going through all the traditional nonsense.

The institution is not above us in the pecking order because we don't recognise it.  As far as we are concerned, It is just there for the benefit of people like you.

Do you understand the importance of The Pope to a person of the catholic faith ?  Can you understand that,  to a person who is not religious and doesn't believe in God,  The Pope is a nobody ?

I'm not at all interested in how you would  interact with the king.  You are free to believe what you like and behave how you like.

I would like to know what this situation is which exists for us because we don't see a situation at all, which has any bearing on our lives. 

We just see a grown man play acting,  often in very old fashioned clothes and sometimes with a sword and, if that makes you happy then fine,  but it doesn't interest us.

No situation exists at all.  You have a king and be thankful that we don't,  because some of us would want to tell him to grow up and stop acting daft.

Enjoy your royalty to your hearts content but stop lecturing us.


Irrelevant if you recognise the monarchy or not..

The monarchy exists and has a position in our society.

I care nothing what your attitude is but I do care when you try to change truth and reality to suit yourself.

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12 hours ago, harvey19 said:

You are correct that we are talking at cross purposes.

I am not talking about individuals but the monarch and their position in society.

The person occupying this position has to act in a certain way appropriate to the role and position.

I recognise the position of the monarchy in our society .

It is the institution and not the individual that is above us in the pecking order. The individual represents the office.

If I met King Charles I would show him respect appropriate to his position as I would to anyone whatever their role in life.

I would not bow and scrape like a serf .

You ,and as you say do not accept the monarchy but unfortunately for you and them the situation exists and that is a fact.

You disappoint me by referring to me as a condescending prat.

You need to read the insults which have been directed at me.


You are apparently unable to accept the concept of free will and seem to believe that people should have to fully agree with something they completely reject.


Put it like this, someone is a totally committed member of one of the main political party's, they canvas for them and are convinced that their ideology is the right one.

The General Election comes along and the opposing party is elected. The Prime Minister is undoubtedly The Prime Minister. However, he or she is not Their Prime Minister, while accepting the situation they have no regard for the incumbent and will do whatever they can within the law to replace him or her with Their PM.

Unfortunately republicans will probably never get the opportunity to vote democratically for our wish but in the meantime rest assured the king is not and never will be our king.


When it comes to insults ask yourself who issued the first one.


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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Irrelevant if you recognise the monarchy or not..

The monarchy exists and has a position in our society.

I care nothing what your attitude is but I do care when you try to change truth and reality to suit yourself.

It's a silly argument.


Like in most countries, Every citizen of Britain is under the authority and control of the governing authorities.


The governing authorities in Britain derive their power from the electorate majority.


The governing authorities in Britain are:


"The Crown (which) encompasses both the monarch and the government. It is vested in the King, but in general its functions are exercised by Ministers of the Crown accountable to the UK Parliament or the three devolved legislatures".


Everything you do is subject to that authority, and you must comply with all Laws and Regulations they impose. or go to jail.


Whether you like it or not, they make the rules for you, and as a citizen, you cannot make the rules for them, for obvious reasons.


In that sense, the individual is not EQUAL  in power to the body politic.


You may have disgust, even hate, for the ruling institutions and the current crop of warm bodies that occupy those seats of power, but, as a citizen, SUBJECT to their laws,  you must, and will comply, or end up in jail.


As for the bright bulb,  who thinks he should have the right, along with tourists, to show up and wander around the palaces, offices and official residences of the lawmakers at will, his right to privacy in his own home, is protected by those same laws, he complains about!


Not necessary to "bow and scrape", or "bootlick", just behave yourself, or else!  :)


And, unless or until the electorate change the current status quo, your options are to comply, or move out, pilgrim :)




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