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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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22 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You are apparently unable to accept the concept of free will and seem to believe that people should have to fully agree with something they completely reject.


Put it like this, someone is a totally committed member of one of the main political party's, they canvas for them and are convinced that their ideology is the right one.

The General Election comes along and the opposing party is elected. The Prime Minister is undoubtedly The Prime Minister. However, he or she is not Their Prime Minister, while accepting the situation they have no regard for the incumbent and will do whatever they can within the law to replace him or her with Their PM.

Unfortunately republicans will probably never get the opportunity to vote democratically for our wish but in the meantime rest assured the king is not and never will be our king.


When it comes to insults ask yourself who issued the first one.


You are still confused.

The monarchy does not change like political parties after an election.

You can have your free will and views and opinions. I and many others have no interest in them. I do care when you try to overrule truth and facts to suit your own views.

But you need to face up to FACTS. The Monarch is Head of our nation therefore above us.

How hard is that to understand.


Regarding insults look back at Organgrinders replies to me and then give an informed opinion.

Your views on the monarchy are irrelevant when when the facts are examined.


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13 hours ago, Cyclunt said:

Oh, ive no doubt it could be managed better, but the Royals are just something weve all grown up to know. Privileged kids do have good opportunities, but so do under privileged kids too. We raised our two on a sheffield council estate, and today one is a headmistress and the other is a designer. How the hell did that happen? No Royal help or private schooling there. Just me and the missus bringing up two kids the best we could, and they've managed to grow into two upstanding individuals. I dont buy the argument that class buys you success, as we are all capable of becoming something x

Success requires a healthy body in a healthy mind, The ability to learn, risk, and learn again from mistakes, work hard, and not seek instant gratification.


Success, and happiness, has actually little to do with money. But the traits above will generally attract opportunity and money. Made it. gave it up, made it and gave it up again.


From a Heeley slum, a fatherless family, who failed the Eleven Plus twice, I never accepted my assigned "place" in life and went on to work with, lunch and dine with the highest echelons in the halls of power!


Big houses, cars, pool, saunas, bars, pool boy, gardeners, house keeepers just didn't do it for this Heeley lad, and his Dublin wife, who was born across the street from the canal. 


Now I'm back with the locals, street vendors, and  happy resourceful folks like the ones I grew up with! Just a 10 minute walk from three of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean.


(And keeping an eye on my roots, here!)


The point?


Yes you CAN!


Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Success requires a healthy body in a healthy mind, The ability to learn, risk, and learn again from mistakes, work hard, and not seek instant gratification.


Success, and happiness, has actually little to do with money. But the traits above will generally attract opportunity and money. Made it. gave it up, made it and gave it up again.


From a Heeley slum, a fatherless family, who failed the Eleven Plus twice, I never accepted my assigned "place" in life and went on to work with, lunch and dine with the highest echelons in the halls of power!


Big houses, cars, pool, saunas, bars, pool boy, gardeners, house keeepers just didn't do it for this Heeley lad, and his Dublin wife, who was born across the street from the canal. 


Now I'm back with the locals, street vendors, and  happy resourceful folks like the ones I grew up with! Just a 10 minute walk from three of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean.


(And keeping an eye on my roots, here!)


The point?


Yes you CAN!


And a pint of Stooooonses int Norfolk  now and then 

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43 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

And a pint of Stooooonses int Norfolk  now and then 

No, Cuttsie, that was the fulfillment of an old promise my brother Roy, made years ago, to take me to a Blades game, (in style) for the help I'd given him over the years in his business.


Once in a lifetime stuff!


After all that, he came down with COVID, and couldn't make the game, so Mickey Freeman his best pal got the other ticket (which I had in mind to offer you).


The only chance of me having another enjoyable pint with you, is if you accept my invite to come to the DR for a visit.


So pull out that money you have stashed in the shed, :) And you and the missus spend a week here in the sun this winter.


As I say, I only have a one bedroom place in town, but the all inclusive beach hotel is just up the street!


But don't expect to see Sir Elton, Sir Ringo, or Sir Mick here. :)




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2 hours ago, harvey19 said:

You are still confused.

The monarchy does not change like political parties after an election.

You can have your free will and views and opinions. I and many others have no interest in them. I do care when you try to overrule truth and facts to suit your own views.

But you need to face up to FACTS. The Monarch is Head of our nation therefore above us.

How hard is that to understand.


Regarding insults look back at Organgrinders replies to me and then give an informed opinion.

Your views on the monarchy are irrelevant when when the facts are examined.


Once again you come out with something that I never said.  I know the monarchy doesn't change, that's the reason why many people object to monarchies.

They are completely undemocratic, they inherit their titles, possessions and position by being born into a specific family. There is no requirement for a certain level of intelligence or capability, it's just given to them by decree. In this day and age it's ludicrous, the country was one heartbeat away from King Andrew.


The monarch in this country is Head of State, and apart from the fact that I believe it should be an elected office and for a limited period I don't really care about that.

The Head of State I met was first citizen and my equal and as Head of State Charles is the same.

He is not however my king. He is not above me in any intrinsic sense. I was raised to understand that no man, woman or child on this earth is ' better ' than me, and by the exact same token I am  ' better ' than no man, women or child on this earth.


What prompted Orangrinder to reply to you in the first instance with an insult? Was the post from you he was replying to completely devoid of condescension, sarcasm or insult?

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46 minutes ago, trastrick said:

No, Cuttsie, that was the fulfillment of an old promise my brother Roy, made years ago, to take me to a Blades game, (in style) for the help I'd given him over the years in his business.


Once in a lifetime stuff!


After all that, he came down with COVID, and couldn't make the game, so Mickey Freeman his best pal got the other ticket (which I had in mind to offer you).


The only chance of me having another enjoyable pint with you, is if you accept my invite to come to the DR for a visit.


So pull out that money you have stashed in the shed, :) And you and the missus spend a week here in the sun this winter.


As I say, I only have a one bedroom place in town, but the all inclusive beach hotel is just up the street!


But don't expect to see Sir Elton, Sir Ringo, or Sir Mick here. :)




Finished with aero planes Trasty , no more cattle shed treatment for us ,    so sorry no tropics , 

The bed money has all been spent on daft projects , wine women and song along with old cars , boats and caravans at Mabelthorpe ,

The Dominican Republic does  not have Stooonses tha told me although it has Guinness I believe , Any  way tha’l be back we all come home in the end .   We did .

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Once again you come out with something that I never said.  I know the monarchy doesn't change, that's the reason why many people object to monarchies.

They are completely undemocratic, they inherit their titles, possessions and position by being born into a specific family. There is no requirement for a certain level of intelligence or capability, it's just given to them by decree. In this day and age it's ludicrous, the country was one heartbeat away from King Andrew.


The monarch in this country is Head of State, and apart from the fact that I believe it should be an elected office and for a limited period I don't really care about that.

The Head of State I met was first citizen and my equal and as Head of State Charles is the same.

He is not however my king. He is not above me in any intrinsic sense. I was raised to understand that no man, woman or child on this earth is ' better ' than me, and by the exact same token I am  ' better ' than no man, women or child on this earth.


What prompted Orangrinder to reply to you in the first instance with an insult? Was the post from you he was replying to completely devoid of condescension, sarcasm or insult?

MY Bold:  Those are my thought too.

However,  you are wasting your time trying to debate with him whilst he insists on telling us who  charles is,   whilst we,  in vain,  tell him that it doesn't matter because  charles is nobody to us.

I have spoken to other royalists who are quite happy to support their King,  whilst accepting that we have the same right not to see him as our king. 

He doesn't get to choose what is relevant in my life and I won't waste my time debating with such a little boy soldier who tries to tell me who and what, I must accept.  Best of luck mate.


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Once again you come out with something that I never said.  I know the monarchy doesn't change, that's the reason why many people object to monarchies.

They are completely undemocratic, they inherit their titles, possessions and position by being born into a specific family. There is no requirement for a certain level of intelligence or capability, it's just given to them by decree. In this day and age it's ludicrous, the country was one heartbeat away from King Andrew.


The monarch in this country is Head of State, and apart from the fact that I believe it should be an elected office and for a limited period I don't really care about that.

The Head of State I met was first citizen and my equal and as Head of State Charles is the same.

He is not however my king. He is not above me in any intrinsic sense. I was raised to understand that no man, woman or child on this earth is ' better ' than me, and by the exact same token I am  ' better ' than no man, women or child on this earth.


What prompted Orangrinder to reply to you in the first instance with an insult? Was the post from you he was replying to completely devoid of condescension, sarcasm or insult?

Please look at my posts and the replies from Organgrinder before making assumptions.   The debate has nothing to do with whether you agree with the monarchy. It has nothing to do with what you think of the King as a person. It has nothing to do with what happens in other countries. It has nothing to do with we are all equals as human beings.     It is simply about the Monarch being head of the nation.  That is a fact and not something which will change because you do not like it.       I have tried to explain these facts on several occasions. 

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