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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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8 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Please look at my posts and the replies from Organgrinder before making assumptions.   The debate has nothing to do with whether you agree with the monarchy. It has nothing to do with what you think of the King as a person. It has nothing to do with what happens in other countries. It has nothing to do with we are all equals as human beings.     It is simply about the Monarch being head of the nation.  That is a fact and not something which will change because you do not like it.       I have tried to explain these facts on several occasions. 

Don't get him started up again, Harvey.  :)


He responded reasonably well from a pat on the back from his like minded pal, above.


That little "heart" tick was a nice touch, too, so I gave him another one for at least toning down the insults.


Maybe love is the answer. Even for an 'independent thinker', who claims not to give a hoot for what others think!  :)

Edited by trastrick
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What an unusual combination - a little toy soldier boy, ready to die for his king,  and a putin  loving uk hater,  lined up beside him.

You only need that yank called   fart  sorry,  trump,   to join you and you'll be ready to save the world.

At least we can always be assured of a laugh on here.    Don't forget your   Jabs lads.


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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

What an unusual combination - a little toy soldier boy, ready to die for his king,  and a putin  loving uk hater,  lined up beside him.

You only need that yank called   fart  sorry,  trump,   to join you and you'll be ready to save the world.

At least we can always be assured of a laugh on here.    Don't forget your   Jabs lads.


Uh oh!


Spoke too soon!  :)


Have you tried Horlicks?


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8 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Please look at my posts and the replies from Organgrinder before making assumptions.   The debate has nothing to do with whether you agree with the monarchy. It has nothing to do with what you think of the King as a person. It has nothing to do with what happens in other countries. It has nothing to do with we are all equals as human beings.     It is simply about the Monarch being head of the nation.  That is a fact and not something which will change because you do not like it.       I have tried to explain these facts on several occasions. 

Condescending as usual, let me reply in kind. 

What you have failed to do is understand what is being explained to you.  Charles position as Head of State is not in question, under our undemocratic archaic system that's the way it is.

In that capacity he represents the country on official occasions when meeting foreign countries Heads of State who are also representing their countries. That is not a problem. The problem arises  when you want to claim that he is our king and above us all.

He is only above those that recognise the monarchy, someone holding republican beliefs and regarding all humans as intrinsically equal does not recognise the monarchy and doesn't  have a king, queen, emperor or any other person elevated by their ancestors murders and theft above their station.


So, he is your king but not mine, or any other self respecting non feudal citizens king either.  Is that simple enough for you to understand?

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Condescending as usual, let me reply in kind. 

What you have failed to do is understand what is being explained to you.  Charles position as Head of State is not in question, under our undemocratic archaic system that's the way it is.

In that capacity he represents the country on official occasions when meeting foreign countries Heads of State who are also representing their countries. That is not a problem. The problem arises  when you want to claim that he is our king and above us all.

He is only above those that recognise the monarchy, someone holding republican beliefs and regarding all humans as intrinsically equal does not recognise the monarchy and doesn't  have a king, queen, emperor or any other person elevated by their ancestors murders and theft above their station.


So, he is your king but not mine, or any other self respecting non feudal citizens king either.  Is that simple enough for you to understand?

Again all irrelevant.

A simple question for you,

Do you consider yourself and the monarch equal in the nations official Hierarchy.

My previous reply was not condescending just stating facts which you try to deny because of your prejudices.

The tactic of throwing insults to stifle debate when one is losing will not work for you or Organgrinder.

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12 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Again all irrelevant.

A simple question for you,

Do you consider yourself and the monarch equal in the nations official Hierarchy.

My previous reply was not condescending just stating facts which you try to deny because of your prejudices.

The tactic of throwing insults to stifle debate when one is losing will not work for you or Organgrinder.

You really don't get it do you? You're talking at cross purposes and despite it being pointed out to you you continue to do so.


I'm talking about equality and the fact that those of us who don't believe in the monarchy do not have a king. No one is above us.


I am not in the nations official hierarchy how could I be, I'm a private citizen who has never worked in the public sector. Your question makes no sense whatsoever.

 Do you accept that the monarchy does not have the allegiance of all the citizens of this country?

Demographics will increase the number of non royalists and increase the more republican inclined over the years. The older members of the public tend to be more royalist while the younger members are more republican or uninterested .




A simple question for you.

Do you accept that a non monarchist who has never given an oath of allegiance to the crown is an equal citizen of the country and in terms of social ranking has no one above them in any intrinsic sense? 





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38 minutes ago, m williamson said:


 Do you accept that the monarchy does not have the allegiance of all the citizens of this country?

Demographics will increase the number of non royalists and increase the more republican inclined over the years. The older members of the public tend to be more royalist while the younger members are more republican or uninterested .


That's correct.

When you read harvey's  posts,   they alone show that,  if that is the general consensus,  the monarchy would be doomed anyway,

Surprised they are not calling for the return of slavery too. 


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44 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You really don't get it do you? You're talking at cross purposes and despite it being pointed out to you you continue to do so.


I'm talking about equality and the fact that those of us who don't believe in the monarchy do not have a king. No one is above us.


I am not in the nations official hierarchy how could I be, I'm a private citizen who has never worked in the public sector. Your question makes no sense whatsoever.

 Do you accept that the monarchy does not have the allegiance of all the citizens of this country?

Demographics will increase the number of non royalists and increase the more republican inclined over the years. The older members of the public tend to be more royalist while the younger members are more republican or uninterested .




A simple question for you.

Do you accept that a non monarchist who has never given an oath of allegiance to the crown is an equal citizen of the country and in terms of social ranking has no one above them in any intrinsic sense? 





Dodging the issue once again.

Pointless discussing the subject with you.

Good night

1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

That's correct.

When you read harvey's  posts,   they alone show that,  if that is the general consensus,  the monarchy would be doomed anyway,

Surprised they are not calling for the return of slavery too. 


How ridiculous.

It is not worth discussing the issue with you.

Good night.

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