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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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10 minutes ago, hackey lad said:


As I consider you to be the very least intelligent poster on the entire forum, and therefore below normal communication level,ย 

you will be delighted to know that you are now on my ignore list,ย  as not worth talking to.


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6 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

As I consider you to be the very least intelligent poster on the entire forum, and therefore below normal communication level,ย 

you will be delighted to know that you are now on my ignore list,ย  as not worth talking to.


Thank you . Is this your last post on this subject?

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Harvey andย Iย  have had many good debates and some very cordial onesย too.ย  Unfortunately, there are some subjects he feels so strongly about, where he changes the flow of the debate

and it becomes impossible to carry on.ย  ย I can beย quite relaxed about him being a staunch monarchist but never if he doesn't accept that people such as me can have our free view too.ย 

I have even said, in this debate,ย  that despite myย not being a monarchist,ย  I don't dislikeย Charles,ย  and his continued reign doesn't bother me although I consider myself as equal to him.ย 

My view is,ย  that the royals are only there by the chanceย of their birth and are no better,ย  no wiser or no more special,ย  than any other ordinary person and we are all equal.


I dot mind what you think of the Royals or if you do not recognise the King.

I do not mind what you think of the Royals because of their birthright.

That is up to you and nothing to do with my argument.

I do not want to tell you how to think.

I do not want to say all human beings are not equal.

I just want to point out that the Monarchy is head of the nation and therefore everyone is below them in the social scale. It is the institute of the Monarchy which exists and disliking it ย does not stop it existing.

We will have many more enjoyable debates in the future I hope.

Not that we will always agree on things but they will keep our brains active !

Edited by harvey19
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34 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Thank you . Is this your last post on this subject?

You didn't actually read and comprehendย the first sentence in Organgrinders post # 2914 did you?ย 


You keep referring to what he said but obviously haven't understood that he was replying to another poster and his first remark was directed at that poster only.

Consequently your flippant little remarks are a bit silly aren't they?

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4 hours ago, m williamson said:

You askย a nonsensicalย question about the nations official hierarchy, which doesn't apply,ย Iย askย a perfectly valid question in return.ย  Stumped for an answer youย decideย to make out that you have somehow come out on top.


Arguing with you is the same as playing chess with a chicken.ย  ย The chicken knocks all the pieces over, defecates on the board and then struts around as though its won.


Good Night.


I have noticed you ignore any facts that do not agree with your mistaken view.

The only question needing to be asked is if the monarch is head of the nation are all other citizens above, equal or below the Monarch in the scale .

Edited by harvey19
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12 hours ago, harvey19 said:


I have noticed you ignore any facts that do not agree with your mistaken view.

The only question needing to be asked is if the monarch is head of the nation are all other citizens above, equal or below the Monarch in the scale .

Apparently, other posters believe that you can be a reasonable contributor on some subjects, I'll take their word for it, I'm sure you can be.

However, when it comes to this particular subject you appear to have a blind spot which prevents you from understanding straight forward explanations.

I, and at least one other poster on here do not accept the position of the monarchy as far as our lives are concerned. We prefer Republics ( I'm a citizen of a Republic ) that being the case we believe that all people are born equal. That means that we don't accept that anyone is aboveย us in any intrinsic way.

People fulfil different positions and that is fine, they serve a different function but nobody is aboveย anybody. Obviously, some people think differently, they believe that someone by right of birth ( handed down from their ancestors who gained their position by killing people ) is 'born to reign over them'.

I think they should have more self respect, but it isn't anything to do with me how others live their lives, so let them carry on regardless.


What I would like howeverย is a reciprocal attitude from monarchists. You appear unwilling to extend that courtesy, insisting that everyone must accept they have their ' betters 'ย .ย  aboveย ย them

ย There is no scale on human worth, only in your mind, we are all equal.

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23 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Finished with aero planes Trasty , no more cattle shed treatment for us , ย  ย so sorry no tropics ,ย 

The bed money has all been spent on daft projects , wine women and song along with old cars , boats and caravans at Mabelthorpe ,

The Dominican Republic does ย not have Stooonses tha told me although it has Guinness I believe , Any ย way thaโ€™l be back we all come home in the end . ย  We did .

I said much the same thing 14 years ago :)


But there you can still indulge in "wine, women and song along with old cars" or play Bingo and Quiz Night at one of the retireeย ex-pat bars. Your choice.


Take yer own advice and never say never!

Edited by trastrick
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