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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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53 minutes ago, m williamson said:

I was expecting that, it's what losers come out with when they're out of ideas and lack the class to retire with a bit of dignity.


I'll live where I want to and no subservient person will tell me otherwise. I have lived and been educated in both England and Ireland,  I was born here and spent my working life here. During that time I was responsible for taking a risk, building a company employing people and contributing several million pounds to the UK taxman.

My English father served throughout WW2 and saw action in France, North Africa and Italy. My uncle served throughout WW1 in the Royal Navy and had a ship sunk under him by enemy fire.

Their first cousin served in the City of Sheffield Battalion of the York & Lancs and was killed at the age of 19 on the first day of the Somme offensive.

I visited my cousins grave in Luke Copse Cemetery Serre a few years ago and on the way back called in to see the beach at Dunkirk where my father spent five days in early June 1940.

No one gets to tell me where I should live.


You lost the argument and should have left it at that, but instead you've made yourself look pathetic. Very serf like 😂


You didn't serve, so your stories of the daring deeds of others, is just "cultural appropriation".


And these days that's a big No No!  ;)


We thank them for their service, but nobody will be offering you a pint!




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13 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Completely irrelevant to the legal position. But yes I completely agree with what you say.

You were born in England and your birth registered here I think.

But if you want to remove you personally just use any citizen of the UK as an example.

My post 2944 in relation to your previous one.


Was your firm T.C. Williams ? 


It costs £372 to renounce UK citizenship and as I've contributed a significant amount of tax over and above the average I've no intention of bothering.

I do not however consider myself a subject.


I answered your post at # 2951. My name is Williamson not Williams so no, my business was a contracting security services business.

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56 minutes ago, altus said:

Unless he assesses the candidates personally that's not making decisions.


What part did he, or his mum, play in the writing of these "King's regulations"? Or are they just the Army/Navy/Air Force regulations with "King's" put at the beginning in place of the name of the service?



You said "head who is responsible for the well being of the staff, ensuring the organisation fulfils it's role. and abides by legislation." So, what does he do to ensure "the well being of the staff, ensuring the organisation fulfils it's role. and abides by legislation."? How is he held to account if any of those things aren't ensured?


Turning up to present people with medals occasionally isn't in any meaningful sense being in charge of the armed forces. He doesn't get involved in decisions to go to war. He's a ceremonial figurehead.

Did you really want to take the silly argument all the way back to the Magna Carta?


Where they agreed to divide up the powers. between the rulers and the ruled! ?


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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You didn't serve, so your stories of the daring deeds of others, is just "cultural appropriation".


And these days that's a big No No!  ;)


We thank them for their service, but nobody will be offering you a pint!




I can buy my own pints thanks very much 👍 and I'm too old to go along with the cultural appropriation BS. Simply pointing out that I come from a family that turned up when needed and no one gets to tell me what I should do and where I should live.

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1 minute ago, m williamson said:

It costs £372 to renounce UK citizenship and as I've contributed a significant amount of tax over and above the average I've no intention of bothering.

I do not however consider myself a subject.


I answered your post at # 2951. My name is Williamson not Williams so no, my business was a contracting security services business.

I wondered if you was the son of Tom or Colin and had changed your name for use on SF. as I worked for them in the 1960s.

I know you do not consider yourself a subject and I have no problem at all with that. I have no problem with your criticism of royalty in fact I will join you in some. 

I could recommend 2 books to you that would reinforce your views but I know you do not like me recommending books LOL.

As we have said before I think the debate has run its course and I am sure we will have others in the future. Sometimes we will agree on things and at other times we will not but it exercises our brains.

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22 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Well i can't stand the Royals either , Just thank god that our England fought the fascists to defeat while some  Countries stood on the sidelines . The Royals were sweating at one bit being pals of Hitler perhaps they were related eh!!!!!!

A good war your lot fought , Our lot dun't talk about .

The army my father fought in was the British army, and if the Russians who were responsible for eight out of every ten German troops that died in combat hadn't joined in the Germans would have occupied Britain. The Royal Navy stalled them plus the fact that they admired the British Empire and thought that as the English are a Germanic people they could work together.

As you say there were influential people in this country that would have gone along with that.


If you're on about who I think you are when you talk about countries standing on the sidelines perhaps you should take two things into consideration.

Firstly, it was only 17 years since that country had to fight for its freedom from Britain and secondly this https://www.historyireland.com/the-forgotten-volunteers-of-world-war-ii/#:~:text=At the end of December,South were increased to 50%2C000. Considering the first fact that's impressive in my view. And that of my father who served alongside a few.

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43 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Kings regulations.

The oath of allegiance is sworn to the monarch.


Amusingly we are straying off the main topic again as we did before.

Of course. they have all the time in the world.  :)

34 minutes ago, altus said:

Regulations with "Kings'" put at the beginning.


That's just to avoid having to swear allegiance to the government of the day. It's the same reason the US armed forces swear allegiance to their constitution, we can't do that as we don't have one.


If you think the allegiance is functionally sworn to the monarch, what do you think would happen if the monarch ordered the armed forces to go against the government's wishes? (Think known Nazi sympathiser Edward VIII and what would have happened in WW2 if he hadn't abdicated beforehand.)



Civil War?


Cheap strawman. :)

44 minutes ago, m williamson said:

So the UK isn't a free country?

Not in any true sense of the word.


Free means you can do what you like.


But here's the point!


The "Crown", as represented by Charlie, can move you and your family war memorabilia, out of your home. knock it down and tell you to go live somewhere else, if they want to build a road, a school or a hospital.


You, can't do that to the Palace, or any other place.


So you can be better looking than Charlies, (not hard) more intelligent than Charles (not hard, although I doubt you are) but you are still not equal in British society.


Think of the chaos if we were all equal.


Wanna take society back  to the jungle so quickly?  :)

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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I wondered if you was the son of Tom or Colin and had changed your name for use on SF. as I worked for them in the 1960s.

I know you do not consider yourself a subject and I have no problem at all with that. I have no problem with your criticism of royalty in fact I will join you in some. 

I could recommend 2 books to you that would reinforce your views but I know you do not like me recommending books LOL.

As we have said before I think the debate has run its course and I am sure we will have others in the future. Sometimes we will agree on things and at other times we will not but it exercises our brains.

Exactly, life would be incredibly boring if we all agreed on everything.  Two years ago I lost a friend that I had known for well over forty years. We travelled all over the country together following the Blades.

We disagreed on just about everything other than our support for our club. The arguments between us on politics, royalty. where and what to eat and numerous other subjects went on and on. I miss the old búgger, and as I said to his son and daughter if I'd known how much I'd have been nicer to him. Mind you we probably wouldn't have enjoyed it all so much.


Take care 👍

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35 minutes ago, m williamson said:

I can buy my own pints thanks very much 👍 and I'm too old to go along with the cultural appropriation BS. Simply pointing out that I come from a family that turned up when needed and no one gets to tell me what I should do and where I should live.


You believe that?


All they have to do is serve you the papers, give you some money, and kick yer ass out.


The State needs hospitals and roads, more than you need your shed!


All of a sudden you lot forget about what's good for the State? If only one life can be saved.


Discipline from the Crown down!


And don't you forget it!  :)


Edited by trastrick
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3 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Exactly, life would be incredibly boring if we all agreed on everything.  Two years ago I lost a friend that I had known for well over forty years. We travelled all over the country together following the Blades.

We disagreed on just about everything other than our support for our club. The arguments between us on politics, royalty. where and what to eat and numerous other subjects went on and on. I miss the old búgger, and as I said to his son and daughter if I'd known how much I'd have been nicer to him. Mind you we probably wouldn't have enjoyed it all so much.


Take care 👍

I presume you and I are about the same age 76 later this month. I am still in touch with friends I knew from 4 year old. Sadly old friends and relatives have died and others are unwell. 

I'll tell you a tale about the Blades. Many years ago our son, a Sheffield Wednesday fan, was signed up by and played for Sheffield United Centre of Excellence as a goalkeeper. As a goalkeeper he did not have to wear the red and white.! 

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