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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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Apart from holidays (I think it was 14 last year,) what work does she actually do in her job as 'director of an art gallery' that justifies a salary of £3.2 million?


I know lots of people with BA degrees. Not one of them earns £3.2 million. In fact quite a few of them have been unable to get any work at all in their field. She is where she is purely because she is HRH.



The £3.2 million isnt her salary! Its her net worth and is mostly from trust funds (from her Nan and from her parents divorce).

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I think the Royals might have told the truth when applying for supplementary benefits Mr.T. Including bus passes !


They don't exactly have a history of truth-telling. By the way, do they still get bus passes over yonder? Wish they did here, but we do get an old geezer discount. :|

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Apart from holidays (I think it was 14 last year,) what work does she actually do in her job as 'director of an art gallery' that justifies a salary of £3.2 million?


I know lots of people with BA degrees. Not one of them earns £3.2 million. In fact quite a few of them have been unable to get any work at all in their field. She is where she is purely because she is HRH.


I think you have misunderstood. Her art gallery salary probably isn't very high, she wont be relying on it with assets worth £3 mill. Lots of graduates don't get work in their field, perhaps those with no connections need to consider what career opportunities their degree might offer, plus be prepared to move to Where there are jobs.

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And how much will the event generate for the economy - the Americans love this sort of stuff and lap it up while spending millions.


The Megan Markle one is reckoned to have generated up to $1.4B for the economy.


Good value I reckon!


---------- Post added 19-08-2018 at 16:02 ----------


Isn't it time we cut the Royal scroungers off from the public purse and taxed their financial affairs the same way we tax the ordinary, decent man and woman in the street?




I don't reckon so.

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Quote Litotes:

And how much will the event generate for the economy - the Americans love this sort of stuff and lap it up while spending millions.


The Megan Markle one is reckoned to have generated up to $1.4B for the economy.


Good value I reckon!

Litotes - you should perhaps look more closely at these claims. Some of the agencies who produce these figures, do not appear to back them up with hard facts. There is sometimes no reference to the methodology used to obtain them. They are very woolly and seem (to me) to be little more than conjecture and speculation. Also, it is worthwhile looking at the background of the organisations in case of bias.


These events might have a very temporary boost to the economy in the areas where they take place but it is doubtful whether they make any difference whatsoever elsewhere. It would be useful if someone could produce absolute proof that these events benefit our economy.


In fact if the justification for having a royal family is down to generating income then in some way it demeans the monarchy and reduces it to little more than a soap opera. It’s even more so now, with the so called ‘Markle Debacle’.


As for Americans spending money - can this be proved? The notion that Americans are besotted by our Royal family is spurious - after all, their history and constitution began by getting shot of the monarchy.

Edited by Jomie
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Some of the agencies who produce these figures, do not appear to back them up with hard facts. There is sometimes no reference to the methodology used to obtain them.



And some do with fully worked figures - you pick your website and you can prove anything - if Eugenie's wedding does not cover its costs through the economic benefit to the UK, then fine - but can you prove it?


No = I thought not.


Americans l;ove the royal family.





But you may think they don't - can we have contrary proof?

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