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9 minutes ago, Axe said:

I stand for common decency.  Any anti monarchist with common decency would keep quiet on the day it has been announce our King has cancer.  You are a disgrace and do not deserve to live our country. 

From my post 3015 earlier tonight, which you've clearly not read.   So King Charles has 'A form of cancer'.  I wish him all the best.


Unfortunately for you I was born & bred here so I get to have my say.  I'm just not a forelock tugging pleb whose deferential to an individual & his family & those who prop them up & who are no better than me & mine.

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2 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

From my post 3015 earlier tonight, which you've clearly not read.   So King Charles has 'A form of cancer'.  I wish him all the best.


Unfortunately for you I was born & bred here so I get to have my say.  I'm just not a forelock tugging pleb whose deferential to an individual & his family & those who prop them up & who are no better than me & mine.

If you were a decent respectable individual then you would have made no further comment after wishing him all the best.  


Yes it is unfortunate that you were born and bred here.  Enough said.


7 minutes ago, BigPP said:

Talking of Status Quo. what did you think of the Beatles and the Stones, Axe 😀

The Beatles were quitters and the Stones are still touring.  The Stones have more in common with Queen Elizabeth II due to their longevity than the Beatles. 

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I heard on the news earlier that he had gone in for an enlarged prostate so it might be prostate cancer he has.

My dad has cancer and it’s a horrible disease so wishing all the best for Charles and all the other cancer sufferers out there…

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

Axe believes in common decency, tradition, allegiance to the monarch and has pride in his own country.  Sadly over recent years our country has declined because there are too many folk such as yourself living here. 

I'll not worry too much over that,  coming from a second class citizen who readily admits to looking up and serving his betters.

I'm proud to say that I regard no man as my better and it's the men who grafted, invented, designed and discovered who made this country into the great country and Empire it was.

I've done my share of grafting and,  like countless others,  helped produce the very finest quality work which Sheffield and the country could be proud of.

Each of the  ordinary working men who made this country great,   were worth ten of your kings and queens.


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3 hours ago, Baron99 said:

So King Charles has 'A form of cancer'.  I wish him all the best.


I know he's not responsible but already we have the news broadcasters going into overdrive, over dissecting & over analysing the term, 'A form of cancer.'


Just seen the main BBC news contact Nicholas Witchell in Hong Kong for her s take on things.  "Blah, blah, man in his mid-70's; blah, blah, recent prostrate procedure; blah, blah, ALL the public will be concerned (?); blah, blah, no constitutional crisis; blah, blah, etc, etc," tug of his former ginger forelock! 


So now we've got days of this sort of news coverage with talking heads being rolled in spending hours filling the Airways with endless speculation until the next Royal press release. 


Meanwhile, a couple of thousand ordinary blokes will have been given similar news today & will just soldier on! 

You're right that this sort of over reaction / coverage is not necessary and actually puts many people off. But I'm sure this is the last thing King Charles would want; he's a great one for playing things down but he was right to put people straight about what's happening as it's in the public interest.  Cancer is no respector of persons and it can affect anybody as he's proved.


Fortunately according to reports it's been caught early so hopefully he will recover.  

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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

You're right that this sort of over reaction / coverage is not necessary and actually puts many people off. But I'm sure this is the last thing King Charles would want; he's a great one for playing things down but he was right to put people straight about what's happening as it's in the public interest.  Cancer is no respector of persons and it can affect anybody as he's proved.


Fortunately according to reports it's been caught early so hopefully he will recover. 

I wish him well, as I would any person who has been afflicted with this disease.


Edited by Anna B
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Nowt’s changed then.

I was beginning to think Sheffield forum had changed for the better.

Our King has cancer and the usual suspects yet again turn it into an opportunity to “have a go” at each other.

Give it a rest please.


Best wishes to King Charles.

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8 hours ago, Allen said:

Nowt’s changed then.

I was beginning to think Sheffield forum had changed for the better.

Our King has cancer and the usual suspects yet again turn it into an opportunity to “have a go” at each other.

Give it a rest please.


Best wishes to King Charles.

What did you expect to change,  and why ?

Forums are for people to exchange views and different people have different views to exchange.

Surely you know that some people love the royals,  some hate them and  some are not particularly bothered either way.

Nobody has wished him any ill will and most,  including anti monarchists have wished him well as I do now ( as an anti monarchist also ).

Don't expect everyone to change their views simply because of something that matters to you.


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Harry has come to visit his father. I'm hoping this might lead to some rapprochement between father and son and even with brother William. What a pity Harry can't step up to represent the family again.

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