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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Harry has become a sanctimonious, self righteous numbskull that sold his own family out for money.


If he was my brother I wouldn't give him the time of day. 

....  And rightly so,  neither would I.



59 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Harry very likely blames his father for what happened to his mother, sounds a bit like the Mafia, it’s all down to Don Carlo to make the peace.🤨

Harry blames anybody and everybody  ( except himself ) for anything that he doesn't like, especially if there is the possibility of a payout in the end.   He always behaved like a little spoiled kid  ........  now he behaves like a big spoiled kid.

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Harry has become a sanctimonious, self righteous numbskull that sold his own family out for money.


If he was my brother I wouldn't give him the time of day. 

I daresay there were faults on both sides.

No doubt the media have now got it in for Harry big time, so don't believe all you read.


Family is family no matter how grand, IMO every effort should be made to heal rifts.


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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

I daresay there were faults on both sides.

No doubt the media have now got it in for Harry big time, so don't believe all you read.


Family is family no matter how grand, IMO every effort should be made to heal rifts.


If you had a fall out with in your family, do you think that Royal lot would give a toss.

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

I daresay there were faults on both sides.

No doubt the media have now got it in for Harry big time, so don't believe all you read.


Family is family no matter how grand, IMO every effort should be made to heal rifts.


If one of your brothers or son went onto a massive talk show and sold you out, then proceeded to write a book slagging you off, you would want to still be friends?


Or is that just lie by the media and didn't really happen?

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Oh the irony! 


Caught a bit of Richard Madeley this morning on Good Morning Britain, speaking with the editors of the Mail & Mirror. 


Madeley, "As we've said from the outset, GMB will not resort to speculation on the King's health."     Madeley's obviously forgot Tuesday's GMB programme when they triumphant announced a guest Professor as the world's leading authority on prostate cancer.   Madeley, "Well Professor, we know its not prostate cancer so what could it be?" 



Edited by Baron99
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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

If one of your brothers or son went onto a massive talk show and sold you out, then proceeded to write a book slagging you off, you would want to still be friends?


Or is that just lie by the media and didn't really happen?

I saw the Oprah interview and didn't think it was half as bad as the media made out, and read the book which was also hyped for all the wrong reasons. Tiny things were blown up out of all proportion. Maybe it wasn't wise to say anything even slightly controversial, (never complain, never explain..) but to fall out irrevocably over such trivia is a big overeaction. 


I've not much time for Meghan who should practise what she preaches, and visit her elderly father. 


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