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On 19/07/2020 at 09:41, hauxwell said:

Diane use to phone the press to let them know where she was going to be on certain days, then when the paparazzi turned up to get their photos of her she would put on her distraught act.   


Don't believe all you read in the Tabloids,  watch out Paul Burrels about.  :roll:

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17 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

I get the point but in their fantasyland 10 million doesn't go very far. 


In fact when trying to desprately keep up appearances with their celebrity neighbours and "friends" it's pocket change. 


They could blow that paying costs on one of their many fail court cases they seem to be contiuously bringing.


The pair of them are a toxic combination with no grounding and now no solid institution to actually keep them straight.


He is the ultimate sloaney privileged spoilt toff with desprate embarrassing streak of immature 'rebellion' who thinks that he can do what he likes and say what he wants at the click of his fingers.


She is the the deluded low-level Hollywood actress filled with all the ego and and self importance that LA thrives on. Add on that she appears to have very little in the way of of solid upbringing and a family unit in chaos which makes her feel the world revolves around her.


It's all just ripe for a catastrophic downfall and it really wouldn't surprise me if they become the subject of one of these tradegy documentaries in a few years time.


Just exactly like Diana , which so called grieving harry seems more than happy to exploit for bankroll, they all thrived, milked and manipulated press attention when it suits them and paid enough.  As soon as they report negatively its suddenly all tears, tantrums, threats and lawsuits. Can't have it both ways children.   


If you want the fame, influence, wealth and power of being in the limelight you put with the press good and bad.   Simple as that.   


These two need to learn that pretty quick or find something else outside of the limelight and more dignified to do for a living.


Spot on, he has given her the platform to give opinions on anything she wants and the press lap it up, they want no publicity but crave it at the same time

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I also think ECCOnoob is spot on.  To think I had high hopes for these two when they first got married.  Also I agree with pintor she has been given a platform to voice her opinion now she is a member of the Royal Family.


It wouldn’t surprise me, sometime in the future, as some are predicting she sets her sights on becoming the President of America.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Prince Andrew - What appears to be a private jolly to watch The Open in N. Ireland, private, chartered jet, £16,000 cost to the taxpayer, even though there were plenty of scheduled flights in which would be cheaper.  He would still have his Royal protection officers with him during the stay, so security on a charter flight wouldn't be an issue. 


Similarly, Princess Anne, flight to Italy to watch the Six Nations rugby, another £16, 000.  I'd have thought that as she is  Patron of the Scottish Rugby Union, that organisation, with it's vast millions, would be picking up the tab, not the taxpayers once again?



Edited by Baron99
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  • 5 months later...
On 19/08/2018 at 18:45, Top Cats Hat said:


Actually Americans love celebrity and admire conspicuous wealth.


The English royal family tick both those boxes.

Harry and Meghan
And what do this fortunate pair truly have to complain about, in a world where so many young couples struggle to make ends meet, where the young, especially, battle to find secure and rewarding work or to afford their own homes? The whole country fighting Covid and family deaths. Prince Phillip in hospital. etc etc
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41 minutes ago, markfor said:
Harry and Meghan
And what do this fortunate pair truly have to complain about, in a world where so many young couples struggle to make ends meet, where the young, especially, battle to find secure and rewarding work or to afford their own homes? The whole country fighting Covid and family deaths. Prince Phillip in hospital. etc etc

does anyone actually care what they say or do?


On 10/09/2020 at 09:33, hauxwell said:

It wouldn’t surprise me, sometime in the future, as some are predicting she sets her sights on becoming the President of America.

There is a pending ammendment to the US Constitution which would strip citizenship from anyone who accepts a title from a foreign power.  It's been on the go for a couple of hundred years and needs quite a lot of states to ratify it for it to come into effect. But if she does have presedential ambtions and becomes open about them then I wonder if there would be renewed interest in it. 



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22 minutes ago, MrAllen2K21 said:

I pretty much stopped caring when Charles ditched Diana for Camilla Parker-Bowles, the woman with an even more ET neck than Gail Platt from Corrie.





How could Charles abandon Diana, one of the most beautiful women in the world, for horse-face Camilla?


I was furious when I heard that Charlie was banging Camilla even before he married Diana, and he only married Diana to breed a couple of Royal heirs to the throne.


I mean seriously, are we back in the 1500s again, where the King can snog / marry / kill his pick of the fillies by Royal decree ?


Sheesh 🙄



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I know lots of people are very fond of the Royal family but I'm not a fan. I find the whole thing outdated and their sense of privilege makes my stomach turn. All those homes they have , all those jewles, all that land and all that money they posses could be put to good use housing and feeding the less fortunate but nope, they just keep getting richer and richer. 

It's sad really. 

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