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41 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The driver who I believe was wearing a seat belt, didn't survive. He died at the scene of the crash.

It was Trevor Rees-Jones, Diana's aid, that survived, but he had a serious head injury and doesn't remember anything about the crash. 

Nobody can say for sure whether Diana and Dodi would have survived if they were wearing seat belts, just speculate. 


I won't comment on the interview until I've seen it. 

According to this link from wikipedia , no-one in the car were wearing seatbelts...




1 hour ago, alandrea0 said:

I gather you are a true royalist  who believes every thing the royals say...

and believe everything they do is law abiding.


Here's another question for you, would the Queen and Prince Charles allowed Prince William to marry a African, Asian or Muslim woman?

Had William married a woman of ethnic minority, he too would have been thrown out from the royal family.

What does that tell you about them????

Nope, not even close. I just try not to make assumptions until I've seen facts from a reliable source, so I can make an "educated" decision based on those facts.

I seem to be in a minority. Most seem to believe almost any rubbish at face value and then create "entrenched" views unwilling to see any other point of view.

"Fools rush in ..." and all that. It's the Covid vaccine refuseniks in the NHS that are most concerning. You'd expect medical professionals to be more "grounded" than most.

Nope, they're human beings too ( not 7 foot lizards in 6 foot human costumes ) with the same faults as the rest of us. ( They tend to murder each other less to get the crown these days )

William could marry whoever he wants. He doesn't have to do what his Grannie or Dad says, he's an adult.

It would have been good for a 21st Century Monarchy if he'd fallen in love with a woman of African or Asian "Heritage".

However, someone who understood what being a "working royal" entails and understands the responsibility of being part of the monarchy would gain maximum "royality" points.

( Waity Katie may not be from "Royal stock", but she's smart enough to "get" the deal and not make too many waves )

A Muslim woman would be more difficult. Due to religion rather than their "Heritage" ( as people of the Islamic faith can be from many ethnic groups of course )

William would have to convert to Islam for such a wedding to take place ( assuming the woman's family consented ) as I don't believe it's accepted for a Muslim to change religions.

It would be interesting as I believe the serving monarch is the head of the Anglican Church, and as William is 2nd in line to the throne and likely to be King one day, it could present problems.

"He too would have been thrown out of the Royal Family" Do you have proof of this ?

No-one has been thrown out of anywhere.

The Duke of Sussex along with his wife/boss/keeper/advisor, the Duchess of Sussex have decided not to be "working royals" anymore and decamp to California .

That's fine, that's their choice, but they can't expect to take the  "perks" titles/finance with them if they're not doing the job.

Choosing to leave and then whining about how hard done by they are won't help their situation.

I suspect that they will always be welcome as part of the family, but regarding any other "entitlements" they're toast !

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1 hour ago, BadgerBodge said:

According to this link from wikipedia , no-one in the car were wearing seatbelts...




Nope, not even close. I just try not to make assumptions until I've seen facts from a reliable source, so I can make an "educated" decision based on those facts.

I seem to be in a minority. Most seem to believe almost any rubbish at face value and then create "entrenched" views unwilling to see any other point of view.

"Fools rush in ..." and all that. It's the Covid vaccine refuseniks in the NHS that are most concerning. You'd expect medical professionals to be more "grounded" than most.

Nope, they're human beings too ( not 7 foot lizards in 6 foot human costumes ) with the same faults as the rest of us. ( They tend to murder each other less to get the crown these days )

William could marry whoever he wants. He doesn't have to do what his Grannie or Dad says, he's an adult.

It would have been good for a 21st Century Monarchy if he'd fallen in love with a woman of African or Asian "Heritage".

However, someone who understood what being a "working royal" entails and understands the responsibility of being part of the monarchy would gain maximum "royality" points.

( Waity Katie may not be from "Royal stock", but she's smart enough to "get" the deal and not make too many waves )

A Muslim woman would be more difficult. Due to religion rather than their "Heritage" ( as people of the Islamic faith can be from many ethnic groups of course )

William would have to convert to Islam for such a wedding to take place ( assuming the woman's family consented ) as I don't believe it's accepted for a Muslim to change religions.

It would be interesting as I believe the serving monarch is the head of the Anglican Church, and as William is 2nd in line to the throne and likely to be King one day, it could present problems.

"He too would have been thrown out of the Royal Family" Do you have proof of this ?

No-one has been thrown out of anywhere.

The Duke of Sussex along with his wife/boss/keeper/advisor, the Duchess of Sussex have decided not to be "working royals" anymore and decamp to California .

That's fine, that's their choice, but they can't expect to take the  "perks" titles/finance with them if they're not doing the job.

Choosing to leave and then whining about how hard done by they are won't help their situation.

I suspect that they will always be welcome as part of the family, but regarding any other "entitlements" they're toast !

Except the King, Edward VIII, who lost the throne for marrying American divorcee Wallis Simpson. Yes he abdicated but didn.t have much choice. Princess Margaret was also threatened with disinheritance if she married divorcee Peter Townsend, she chose not to, but then divorced the man she married, and Diana who lost all Royal privileges and titles when she was divorced from Prince Charles as ordered by the Queen, (Diana didn't want it.)

And don't forget 3 out of 4 of the Queen's children are divorced (all spouses from high born 'Establishment' families who knew about the Royal obligations,) but still couldn't cut it. Marrying into the Royal family isn't easy. 


Yes times have moved on and 'lessons have been learned,' But have they really?

They may pay lip service to change, but attitudes within the royal establishment never change, in fact they are celebrated for not doing so. Appearances, tradition, protocol, are all that matter to the men in grey suits., and these stuffed shirt characters make the rules.  


The family may have been allowed to chose their own partners, but then they have to obey the rules or else. And the rules are ridiculous. Royal women are not allowed to cross their legs, Meghan got called out for wearing black nail varnish, and wearing black (should only be worn for mourning,) Royals should never voice their opinions in case they can be seen as political, (good luck with that one Meghan,) No one should touch the Royal person (she always wears gloves,) when the Queen stops eating, everyone else must stop too, irrespective of whether they've finished their meal, no one may address the Queen unless spoken to, everyone must curtsy or bow to each other in order of precedence, no one must turn their back to the Queen, etc etc etc.....  Stepping on eggshells doesn't even begin to cover it.... it's a mine field.

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2 hours ago, butlers said:

The Royals can marry whoever they want.


Never marry an actress,mind

Marrying them isn't the problem. It's living with them afterwards. 


And as prince Philip said to Harry, 'One sleeps with actresses, but one doesn't marry them...'

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1 hour ago, butlers said:

Wasn't sure if it was Phillip or William that quote is assigned to.


A period of quiet from the Royals in exile would be most welcome

Fat chance.

Meghan has the platform she always wanted.


And when we're watching The Oprah interview tonight, remember Meghan is an actress by trade, 

so is she speaking the truth with sincerity, or her own version of the truth infused with guile? 


I don't know.  You decide. 




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58 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Fat chance.

Meghan has the platform she always wanted.


And when we're watching The Oprah interview tonight, remember Meghan is an actress by trade, 

so is she speaking the truth with sincerity, or her own version of the truth infused with guile? 


I don't know.  You decide. 




It's only the same as the media, rather than reporting facts, they put their own spin on events

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Look all they are doing is what the younger generation will be doing in the near future...


The Royals has we know it will be no more and they will be more like the Prince of Monaco basically more celebrities than Royal...


I have watched the interview and for me they are both very good actors and deserve an Oscar....

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2 hours ago, nightrider said:

At least going by comments on the news articles today the british public really hate her with a passion.

They probably don't hate her, I'm sure most have other more pressing things to worry about.  Like here, the people who comment on news articles are a self selecting sample not a respresentative one.  

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On 10/03/2021 at 09:37, Waldo said:

Just to remind people, there is a dedicated thread for the Harry and Meghan interview here:




So, following that interview, and things like Prince Charles divorce and remarriage, and Prince Andrew's carryings on, etc. do people think the monarchy will survive much beyond the long, unblemished reign of Queen Elizabeth ll?

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