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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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3 hours ago, crookesey said:

My late grandfather had a saying about the royal family that went, “They sleep with each other all year round and share the kids out at Christmas”. Edward V11 if rumoured to have fathered dozens of illegitimate children, well he’d bog all else to do had he?


The royals are never held responsible for anything, Philip was a bit of a lad and Andrew appears to be doing his best to keep the tradition alive. I’m no goody goody, but could throw up when I hear how wonderful this troubled family is. I object to being a subject of the queen, I would be far happier being a citizen of Great Britain.


Me to.

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16 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

I feel you are underestimating the stability, power and influence that still applies by having a monarchy. 


Despite various conversions to independence, 54 countries still wanted to retain the monarch as head of state. The Commonwealth has been established for 70 + years and showing no signs of disappearing soon.


There is much prestige to be had well above that of most ordinary heads of state. She is far more than just some tourist attraction living in a big house. You have to ask yourself why this tiny tinpot island retains such levels of power and influence in global affairs alongside huge nations such as America, Germany, Russia, China etc.   I believe that to be far more than the selling points of our Government and Prime Minister.


I don't think the world sees it as an embarrassment at all. Many a time it is coveted.  Put royal X event on the telly and watch the millions tune in from around the world or flock to the streets to see, what presumably you would dismiss, as just some rich old pensioner.    Well we have all seen what the alternatives may be...... President Boris anyone?  


If it really is that embarrassing how come image sensitive media whores Ginge & Cringe are doing all they can to desperately cling onto their titles. They would have dropped them like a stone if there was any negative connotations but unsurprisingly they realise their true value. They are milking them for all they are worth desperately trying to become America's own version of the monarchy.

Had Edward  V11 lived only a few years more the British royal families first language would have been German at the start of WW1. His eldest grandson, the ex Edward V111 had very cordial meetings with Hitler just prior to WW2, this family was German in both origin and desire, we should have ousted them there and then.

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25 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The national anthem will be change when King Charles becomes King which I hope will not happen for many years.

How long do you expect Liz to live? My wish is that he is the last monarch, what we need is Harry to dish the dirt and make him abdicate with his brother saying thanks but no thanks, however my wishes are rarely granted.

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14 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

I had Rule Britania  or Land of Hope and Glory,  in mind.

Those two are obvious, I’d open it up for a third, either existing or new, but all voted for by the newly created GB citizens.

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17 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

I had Rule Britania  or Land of Hope and Glory,  in mind.

There’s nothing wrong with Rule Britannia or Land of Hope and Glory.

Also I like the hymn I Vow To Thee My Country which I always think is a soldier’s song, but that’s just my opinion.  However I’m not sure those songs would go down very well with The Black Life Matter Movement if one of them was to become the new National Anthem.  Wasn’t there some controversy about those songs being played at Last Night Of The Proms and they tried to get them banned because they were to patriotic.  I say leave things as they are why complicate things.


I’m a Royalist so I want to keep God Save The Queen and I hope she has many more years to live.  

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