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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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3 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

I'm sure it would be cheaper to have a President than the cost of the Royals and hangers on, plus the President would be earning his corn. 



Based of last few presidents  I wouldn't bank on that.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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7 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Read your previous post, 613, you speak with fork tongue Kimosabe, :suspect:

I've read it back, and I've no idea what you are referring to. Unless you are suggesting that the role of a President would be to milk the public purse?

Edited by Bargepole23
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Let's go all the way!


We could get rid of all the biggest and richest scammers in the World, at the same time.


The Pope, Archbishops, Priests, Ministers, Rabbis, Imams, churches, chapels, synagogues, mosques. Use their grand palaces to house the homeless, refugees, immigrants, and the poor.


And do we really need to line up at a government Registry Office, and pay them to give us permission to shack up with the bird down the street?  Or leave her if she turns out to be a nutcase?


Uncle Harry can do the honors at births, funerals, and civil unions. At least he knows the family personally.


Off with ALL their heads!

Edited by trastrick
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