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Bullying in Government.

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This is an interesting one. Bullying behaviour in the House of Commons (and politics?) is rife apparently. Quelle Surpise.


My point is this: isn't our system built entirely on adversarial lines? The benches in the House of Commons 2 sword lengths apart etc to stop them physically attacking each other.


When Jeremy Corbyn tried to calm down Prime Ministers questions, which is a bearpit of catcalls, shouting and bad behaviour, he was roundly ridiculed and told to 'man up.'


Then there's the matter of the Whips; aren't they meant to go round bullying MPs with threats into voting the way they are told, rather than the way they think.


The House is meant to be a place of argument and fierce debate, but it is also too hidebound by some (IMO) very dubious traditions. If it's going to change then these 'traditions' and ways of doing things have to go surely?


Is it a price the Hooray Henry's are prepared to pay? Can they change?

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It's exactly the same over here except we get a double dose of it with both a Federal and a Provincial Parliament, one in Ottawa ( Federal) and the Ontario one in Toronto. Watching the odd showdown on TV is exactly as you describe in Westminster. This the price we have to pay for a Parliamentary democracy. Rather this than the American way, in my opinion.

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It's exactly the same over here except we get a double dose of it with both a Federal and a Provincial Parliament, one in Ottawa ( Federal) and the Ontario one in Toronto. Watching the odd showdown on TV is exactly as you describe in Westminster. This the price we have to pay for a Parliamentary democracy. Rather this than the American way, in my opinion.


Really ?


Is it too much to ask that our politicians conduct their professional lives with some decorum ?


Funny how the old biddies blame the youth of today for being rude and impolite, when our so-called political masters behave the same way and set such a bad example.

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The House is meant to be a place of argument and fierce debate, but it is also too hidebound by some (IMO) very dubious traditions. If it's going to change then these 'traditions' and ways of doing things have to go surely?


Is it a price the Hooray Henry's are prepared to pay? Can they change?


Is it about 'Government' or men? I would think a culture of deference would be quite normal in a place like Westminster, which is how the BBC described it.

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Funny how one of the biggest bullies and chief cover upper is John Bercow.


On a day of high tension in Westminster, senior MPs called for John Bercow to resign immediately in the wake of the inquiry by Dame Laura Cox.


However, Labour has hinted it will not back any efforts to remove him. The shadow foreign secretary, Emily Thornberry, said it was “absolutely not the time” to be changing the Speaker


Labour support enables Bercow to cling on until the summer



John Bercow: further bullying claims emerge against Speaker


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Its obvious Bercow is a bully and its emblematic that he is becoming the focus of the problem.


He was only elected with Labour support because the Conservatives don't like him. Typical, politicians playing power games in the Wendy House. No thought of who was best for the job or the country just silly games by megalomaniacs.

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Its obvious Bercow is a bully and its emblematic that he is becoming the focus of the problem.


He was only elected with Labour support because the Conservatives don't like him. Typical, politicians playing power games in the Wendy House. No thought of who was best for the job or the country just silly games by megalomaniacs.


I think megalomaniacs is the right word, especially some of the old guard male Tories, but I suppose it's across the house. Fair few sociopaths and psychopaths in there as well, we've all seen House of Cards - originally written by a government insider...

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