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Kleenex mansize tissues renamed for being sexist.

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I call BS on this story, instead:


"Flagging tissue company needs to revive interest in its brand and uses media for lots of free publicity."


No doubt in a week or two the company will announce that due to strong public support it will retain the name.


That would be a genius idea, in fact, I'm surprised other companies aren't already doing that!...

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What about 'fun size' choc bars? Can they substantiate the suggestion they are fun?


---------- Post added 19-10-2018 at 11:36 ----------


If this carries on the word "man" will be obliterated from our vocabulary, unless of course it has "wo" in front of it.


No- I saw in another thread there is already a campaign to use 'womxn' instead of 'woman'


"Dr Clara Bradbury-Rance, fellow at King's College London, said the spelling "stems from a longstanding objection to the word woman as it comes from man, and the linguistic roots of the word mean that it really does come from the word man".


The word is also supposed to be inclusive of trans women, and some non-binary people." (BBC)

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