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New pelican crossing

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Try some more 'maybes' because they're ridiculous.

Do you think that I think it's as simple as 'grrrr... these modern ways'? Did I say something that implies that?


Firstly, yes, you sort of did imply it when you said this in your earlier post.....


I've grumbled about these for ages. I guess it's one of those modern 'improvements' on something that has worked very well for decades.


Secondly, why do you think they are so rediculous?


What is so wrong about a crossing indicator being put closest to the point where there pedestrians are who need to observe it. Surely its far easier to have an idicator next to someone rather than at the opposite side of a carraigeway.


Puffin Crossings are also sensor controlled units which detect if a pedestrian is still present or has walked away. That stops all those times when traffic is brought to a halt for no reason as the Puffin Crossing box cancels the call if there is no pedestrian detected on the sensor.


The DFT's own documents make reference to assisting visually impared people and wheelchair bound people. PS: visually impaired does not automatically mean blind, and even for those who are, these crossings have a moving tactile knob underneath the signal which spins when the crossing is on green.


So, are they really such a bad thing.

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Firstly, 'sort of implying' something doesn't really cut it for me, especially with the tone of your comment being quite patronising.


Secondly, the point about them being for the visually impaired kind of falls short if someone is standing right next to the light blocking everyone elses view, which, in my experience happens frequently and which is my prime complaint about them. For most people, the lights positioned on the opposite side on pelican crossings are, and have always been, perfect. At busy times everyone can see them (unless visually impaired, of course).


All the other improvements made for the visually impaired and wheelchair users, or others of low stature could have been brought in as well as, and not at the expense of, the tried and tested methods we have enjoyed previously.


So in short, what I think is ridiculous, is the idea that taking down the lights opposite is helping the visually impaired etc.


Goodbye, farewell, adieu. Please don't bother me with this nonsense again.

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