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EDL demo in Manchester..

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While possibly up to three quarters of a million people marched for a vote on the EU deal in London, in Manchester that hopeless bunch of saddos of the EDL attracted so little support for their national demo that local Mancs were falling about laughing at the pathetic turnout!


What was that turnout?








Surely not 200?


No, it was 20 people!


Even post Brexit vote, they couldn't even get as many people as were in my my local on a quiet Tuesday lunchtime. :hihi:


Love the headline!



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While possibly up to three quarters of a million people marched for a vote on the EU deal in London, in Manchester that hopeless bunch of saddos of the EDL attracted so little support for their national demo that local Mancs were falling about laughing at the pathetic turnout!


What was that turnout?








Surely not 200?


No, it was 20 people!


Even post Brexit vote, they couldn't even get as many people as were in my my local on a quiet Tuesday lunchtime. :hihi:


Love the headline!




That's sad for them, butt-funny :hihi:

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But this has been the story of extreme right wing groups since the 1930s, NF, BNP, EDL etc, make a lot of noise for three or four years and then consigned to the history books as their members either drink themselves to death, grow up, or get jailed for anti-social recidivist behaviour. Little Tommy, Frayda and Goulding already on that path.


In respect of the no platform for fascists approach, I reckon that getting Nick Griffin onto BBC Question time and exposing him to scrutiny as an intellectual light weight unable to think on his feet or produce a coherent sentence finished him off as well as the BNP. The sight of him cowering behind a fellow panelist ( black woman) was priceless and destroyed his credibility

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In respect of the no platform for fascists approach, I reckon that getting Nick Griffin onto BBC Question time and exposing him to scrutiny as an intellectual light weight unable to think on his feet or produce a coherent sentence finished him off as well as the BNP.


I totally agree.


I was working at Television Centre that day and had to brave the 'no platform' protests to get in and out of the building. That appearance finished Griffin as a political leader and that was at a time when the BNP was riding high having 50 local councillors, 500,000 votes in the general election, a member on the London Assembly and two MEPs.


It was a perfect example of the dangers of living in a bubble. It is all very well getting a standing ovation from 20 middle aged men in the back room of a pub but when your ideas are exposed to the harsh light of reasoned argument it becomes a completely different matter.


I would suggest that it was also the rise of UKIP that destroyed the BNP as an electoral force.

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Im assuming the trouble causers from the UAF turned up hoping to provoke them into a fight ?


Keeping scum off the streets. Fascism is bad. Check out WW2.


Why don't you invite the scummers round to your place, you could smoke some knock off fags with them and feel embittered that we aren't speaking German and ethnically pure.

Edited by Halibut
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