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EDL demo in Manchester..

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One of the delights of seeing these EDL people is that every single one of them is the exact antithesis of the super Aryan role model they propound. Most are fat, bald and butt ugly, breathing beer fumes out in the hate-filled nonsense.


Did you see one of the 23 or so protestors who had full face tattoos doing the nazi salute? You know intuitively that it's idiots like him who's choices condemn him to a life on benefits are railing against immigrants gettign jobs ahead of him . . . . and he can't see why for sure.

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I suggest you look at the masses outside the old Bailey today


We obviously have two very different definitions of the word 'masses'.


It is the same handful of sad old shouty blokes as turned out last time. I wonder if they will threaten court staff and try to post human faeces through the court letterboxes again?


Now the nearly three quarters of a million people who turned up in London last weekend were real masses.

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You said Top Cat calls him 'Wee' for the same reason as you call him 'little' . I've just searched it and amazingly he is 5 foot 6 , so most people would consider him to be shorter than average. Since you both seem to know a lot about him, and dislike him intently, it seems odd you both give him those pre-fixes, but don't know he's short. Odd coincidence isn't it.


No, I said I'd take a guess at it and as it turns out I was wrong. Your fascination with me is flattering.

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