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China building `schools`2018

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I read about this a while ago, detained Muslims are forced to eat pork and drink alcohol in these places according to some former detainees = https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-re-education-muslims-ramadan-xinjiang-eat-pork-alcohol-communist-xi-jinping-a8357966.html


Being force fed pork sarnies, Bacon butties and Booze dosnt sound like torture to me ........... sounds like heaven.

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How much cheap crap do people buy off eBay from China?


If people just stopped buying it worldwide, would make some difference.


Its not only eBay and not always cheap, Apple products are a classic example. Have a look around the home and you will see just how much of the white goods and other stuff you have is made in China. My kettle, microwave, lights, computer chair, table, curtains, chest of drawers and a whole host of other stuff was made in China. Your PC allowing you to be on the internet has probably 90+% Chinese components.


Its not so simple as not buying stuff, unless it can be bought or sourced from elsewhere its a no go.

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Being force fed pork sarnies, Bacon butties and Booze dosnt sound like torture to me ........... sounds like heaven.


Just thinking the same ,my father in law who was taken prisoner at Arnhem and who's health suffered as a result for the rest of his life, would have laughed at such treatment being described as torture, Beres or Crawshaw's ?

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most of us have been eating it for years ,ever had a takeaway?

So you'll be another saying Yaxley-Lennon should just get on and eat it next time he's in prison then.



BTW: Yes I have had takeaways and they've all been halal - it's difficult to get veggie food that isn't. ;)

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