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Howling and Barking Dogs in Hillsborough Dykes Hall Road

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Sick to the eye teeth of people who can't deal with their dags on/near Dykes Hall Road- the one at the Castle that Howls all the time is bad enough but about half way down the hill is someone with a new built dog run who seems to just leave them to be a damn nuisance- if you read this sort it

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Ah 'mans best friend'......


The barking of dogs is everywhere - for some reason dog owners think it's absolutely acceptable to let their dogs bark for hours on end because "it's what dogs do".


I often wonder how these people would respond if someone stuck a speaker outside their window and blasted music at them constantly - a barking dog is the same level of annoyance.


The sign of the ultimate moron - a barking dog in the garden, and one of those massive american 4 wheel drive cars that are designed for use on ranches in the USA but seem to have made their way to the brainless of Sheffield....

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That's interesting. There is a dog at the bottom end of Wynyard Road (which backs on to Dykes Hall Road) ...


This dog has barked for the last 18 months causing misery to many of the neighbours nearby. I'm not talking about the odd bark here and there. I'm talking prolonged barking in excess of 30 minutes at a time. Sometimes at 4am. Sometimes on a Sunday morning when most of us want a lie in. Sometimes at 8pm when you want to watch the TV after a hard day at work.


I find it extremely anti-social and barking dogs is up there with loud music and vandalism as far as I am concerned. It's especially worse for people in terraced houses. I think a lot of dog owners are incredibly selfish. Just because they are animals doesn't give people the right to make other peoples lives a misery.


There seems to be not much you can do especially if you have selfish neighbours. You either move house or hope that the neighbours get rid of the dog .


---------- Post added 25-10-2018 at 12:20 ----------


Ah 'mans best friend'......


The barking of dogs is everywhere - for some reason dog owners think it's absolutely acceptable to let their dogs bark for hours on end because "it's what dogs do".


I often wonder how these people would respond if someone stuck a speaker outside their window and blasted music at them constantly - a barking dog is the same level of annoyance.


The sign of the ultimate moron - a barking dog in the garden, and one of those massive american 4 wheel drive cars that are designed for use on ranches in the USA but seem to have made their way to the brainless of Sheffield....


Spot on. The selfishness of some dog owners is incredible.

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Why not fill it in?


You could, but the OP will have to endure weeks of barking to create a satisfactory log before the council will look at it and then send a letter.


If the dog owner knows he's been monitored he might stop it instantly. Depends what kind of person they are.

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I"m not an animal lover, never owned a pet.. but would"nt a barking dog annoy the owner, certainly would me, it would drive me mad.


I am an animal lover, we’ve always had pets and I also volunteer at an animal rescue, but I completely agree with you that a dog barking constantly would still drive me around the bend.


Dogs bark for a reason and it is the responsibility of the owner to find out what that reason is and to stop the dog from barking. It’s selfish and inconsiderate to both the dog and anyone in ear shot of the barking to just allow it to continue.

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