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Howling and Barking Dogs in Hillsborough Dykes Hall Road

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I am an animal lover, we’ve always had pets and I also volunteer at an animal rescue, but I completely agree with you that a dog barking constantly would still drive me around the bend.


Dogs bark for a reason and it is the responsibility of the owner to find out what that reason is and to stop the dog from barking. It’s selfish and inconsiderate to both the dog and anyone in ear shot of the barking to just allow it to continue.


Wise Words ...


---------- Post added 27-10-2018 at 10:02 ----------


I am an animal lover, we’ve always had pets and I also volunteer at an animal rescue, but I completely agree with you that a dog barking constantly would still drive me around the bend.


I'm not so sure ... It always amazes me when you see parents with screaming kids in pubs and restaurants. Anybody with an ounce of common sense would do something to stop the kids making such noise. Who on earth wants to go to a pub to hear somebody elses kids screaming?


I honestly think the parents/owners of kids/screaming dogs become oblivious to it.

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Yapping barking dogs drive me nuts. Thankfully I don['t have any living near me, but I still have many a summer's afternoon/evening ruined by incessant yapping of dogs taken to a nearby playing field.


There are several that yap from start to finish, 30 - 40 mins at a time and people for a radius of quarter of a mile plus have to endure the noise. I don't understand why dog owners think it's ok to inflict that racket on so many other people. Selfish beyond belief.

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We've got the same here. Asked the offending neighbour earlier today if he would mind stopping his dog from barking for the rest of the weekend. His response? Yep......A mouthful of verbal. If these people are dumb enough to let their dogs barking upset all the neighbours, then you're never going to get a reasonable response to a polite complaint. It might help if he actually took the dog for a good walk rather than just giving it the free run of the garden, the great useless, lazy, idle cretin.

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