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Tipping Taxi Drivers?

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You are correct but America always likes to be portrayed as a proud nation and to doff caps and crawl for tips seems a funny way to conduct things over there. I am aware of how it works and that is why I always tip and I don't object to it at all but they should adopt a better system. In many parts of Australia it is regarded as an insult because it is like saying you consider me as inferior to you.


---------- Post added 27-10-2018 at 11:27 ----------



For a time I drove buses. I never expected or received a tip. In that time I was assulted during which a £200 pair of spectacles were broken. I was blinded twice by lasers, a very worrying time. I had a cigarette stubbed out on the back of my hand. Windows put through with bricks and once a javelin stolen from a local school was put through the windscreen,plus numerous threats even though I was always polite to people .


I agree with your dislike of the tipping system in North America, I have never liked it. The powers that be allow bars and restaurants to charge whatever they like but only have to pay their staff a pittance leaving Joe Public to pick up the balance. Saying that, in Canada, I know some bartenders who make a good living at it, it all depends on how busy their place of work is.

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Because you can get good service in lots of other places where you wouldn't dream of tipping...



This. I get good service in shops too, but wouldn't dream of tipping in Tesco, so why in a restaurant. Besides, lots of restaurants add a service charge anyway.


As for taxis, just use Uber. The issue never comes up.

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