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Possibly questionable prejudices

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I like to think that I am a reasonably rational and easy going individual,but must admit to making some adverse judgements on first meeting someone if:

They like Trump

They voted Brexit

They take Chinese medicines containing Rhino horn,Bear bile,Pangolin scales etc.

They support UKIP

They are big game or trophy hunters

They are Prince Andrew or his offspring and similar arrogant freeloaders.


I could go on but don’t want to upset the Royal,alternative medicine taking,far right,gun toting,Nationalistic,Europhobes too much?


I voted for Brexit and support UKIP so you can add me to your hate list.

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Making judgements about people just for achieving more or less than ourselves academically or financially is stupid.


I have been looking for a lodger on spareroom.com and its strange that people looking for rooms and flatshares post a photo of themselves.

I hear in conversation that many don't like tattoos; I think people would look for similar people to share with - they based their views partly on looks.


My last lodger was a foreign, foreign language student, I think a Trump or UKIP supporter would be less likely to be in that situation.

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I have often wondered why I dislike certain people on the TV.

I have no basis for this dislike, it seems to be totally irrational.

I can't stand Monty Don, Susannah Reid and a few others.


Even on radio, we like some, others not. Steve Wright is the best on radio 2

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