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Time to tell Zuckerberg..

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What a load of crock.


Nearly 58 million people voted for him but of course, its the fault of Zuckerburg not controlling fake news????


"nobody wanted to vote for him".... Yeah whatever!!


Hey, here is an idea. Instead of pushing your link to a slacktivism site racking up mouse click signatures from unaffected and unknowledgeable randoms all over Europe, USA, Australia and the Far East how about you think about what the electorate of Brazil actually want as a leader of their own country and leave them to pick it through oh, I dunno, maybe a democratic vote.


.....just a thought.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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What a load of crock.


Nearly 58 million people voted for him but of course, its the fault of Zuckerburg not controlling fake news????


"nobody wanted to vote for him".... Yeah whatever!!


Hey, here is an idea. Instead of pushing your link to a slacktivism site racking up mouse click signatures from unaffected and unknowledgeable randoms all over Europe, USA, Australia and the Far East how about you think about what the electorate of Brazil actually want as a leader of their own country and leave them to pick it through oh, I dunno, maybe a democratic vote.


.....just a thought.


So. You are using the Internet to tell someone that it is wrong to use the Internet to tell someone they are wrong.


Seems like a consistent, well thought out, point of view.

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So. You are using the Internet to tell someone that it is wrong to use the Internet to tell someone they are wrong.


Seems like a consistent, well thought out, point of view.


Its is an extremely well thought out point of view.


Using the internet to give an opinion or even criticise someone or something is one thing.


A person peddling a completely mistargeted petition for the sole reason that a country they have no connections with reaches a deomcratic result THEY disagree with is totally ludicrous.


I stand by my statement. Slacktivism at its finest.


Ill informed. Ill researched. Unconnected to the situation. Detached from reality.


No thought that perhaps a large number of the 58 million people who chose to vote that way are not facebook drones incapable of making up their own mind.


No thought that perhaps a large number of the 58 million people who chose to vote that way have their own valid reasons for choosing to do so.


Typical clickbait protestor feel good syndrome. I dont like it and therefore anyone who does is wrong. Waaaa, im going to start a petition and get all my friends to click on a mouse too.


So far the petition signatories (most of which have sod all to do with Brazil) makes up the equivillent of 0.74% of those who voted for Bolsonaro.


They really think that they have a legitimate ground for blaming Zuckerburg for this situation??? They really think that all those 58 million were all forced into voting against their independent choice by external influence?? :loopy:


---------- Post added 04-11-2018 at 19:12 ----------


So demolishing the Amazon is a good thing?


No, PERSONALLY I dont. Just like PERSONALLY I think building a wall on the mexican border is a stupid idea, Brexit is a stupid idea, buggery laws still being active in Singapore is a stupid idea..... I could go on.


BUT, I am not a brazilian citizen. I am not voting for the leader of my country.


If the majority of the people have voted for this president then they have just as valid reason to want him than I would to criticise it.


That's democracy.


I might even be more inclined to accept such a petition if it was about that very subject or even, by some tenuous link it was actually attacking the president himself. However, its not.


Its lazily attacking Zuckerburg and his facebook organisation because its an easy target and the Bogeymen of the media at the moment.

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