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Asia Bibi - Pakistani Christian Blasphemy case.

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Religion, the main cause of 90% of the worlds major problems. My figures.



Well your figures are wrong according to the "Encyclopedia of Wars" by the authors Phillips and Axelrod who have thoroughly examined all wars in history.

Most wars are caused by greed and territorial conquest, or the fear of a threat of invasion, poverty doesn't help either especially in internal conflicts where those who rule are living in great.wealth.


I don't deny that religion hasnt been guilty of some terrible atrocities, but at a time when everyone in all cultures were identified by a religion its impossible to tell who amongst them were genuine believers.

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Watching a BBC report on this at the weekend. Apparently the blasphemy laws that is being use in this case are the ones that the British imposed on the country, when it was all still India.


Again from BBC:


"What do the laws say?


The law enacted by the British made it a crime to disturb a religious assembly, trespass on burial grounds, insult religious beliefs or intentionally destroy or defile a place or an object of worship. The maximum punishment under these laws ranges from one year to 10 years in jail, with or without a fine.


During the 1980s the blasphemy laws were created and expanded in several instalments. In 1980, making derogatory remarks against Islamic personages was made an offence, carrying a maximum punishment of three years in jail.


In 1982, another clause prescribed life imprisonment for "wilful" desecration of the Koran, the Muslim holy book. In 1986, a separate clause was inserted to punish blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad and the penalty recommended was "death, or imprisonment for life", in that order."

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Well your figures are wrong according to the "Encyclopedia of Wars" by the authors Phillips and Axelrod who have thoroughly examined all wars in history.

Most wars are caused by greed and territorial conquest, or the fear of a threat of invasion, poverty doesn't help either especially in internal conflicts where those who rule are living in great.wealth.


I don't deny that religion hasnt been guilty of some terrible atrocities, but at a time when everyone in all cultures were identified by a religion its impossible to tell who amongst them were genuine believers.


It's just another lazy excuse to blame everything on religion

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Pretty certain that the Crusades were a defensive action and Europeans lost land.

No. They were instead a major cause of death whenever the so-wonderful Christian brigades encountered anyone of a different faith.


---------- Post added 05-11-2018 at 21:14 ----------


Watching a BBC report on this at the weekend. Apparently the blasphemy laws that is being use in this case are the ones that the British imposed on the country, when it was all still India.

1. Not "imposed" but "introduced".

2. And India has failed to delete them, despite having had 71years' independence to do that.


---------- Post added 05-11-2018 at 21:16 ----------


Secondly, the Crusades in the Middle East were directed against Orthodox Christians, as well as Muslims. Indeed, the damage they inflicted on the Byzantine Empire means that they were ultimately more successful against the Orthodox Christians than they were against the Muslims. Ultimately, they're (arguably) the reason why Turkey is now Muslim, rather than Christian, and why Istanbul is now Istanbul, not Constantinople.


Thirdly, although the Middle Eastern Crusades may have been the first, and acted as a template or inspiration for later ones, they weren't the only ones. There were also the Northern Crusades, which extirpated Paganism in the Baltic region, and various Crusades against Christian 'heretics' like the Albigensians and the Hussites.


The only Crusade that I can think of that was directed purely against Muslims was the Reconquista that eventually won Iberia back from its Muslim occupiers.

And against many, many Jewish communities across most of Europe. "Pogroms" were not a Russian or German invention, you know.

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Boris Johnstone states we have a moral duty to offer asylum in this case.




Hasn't Canadian Premier, Justin Trudeau already offered asylum in Canada? Personally I think her & her family would be safer there in the vast expanses rather than in the UK, possibly dumped close to a community with strong ties to Pakistan, which at best could cause problems here.


Unless of course she's going to be Boris' next door neighbour?

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