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Grenfell Tower effigy burning

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If you look at the picture on the Daily Mail website you can clearly see there are white, brown and black figures on the tower effigy so I don't see how you could say it's a hate crime towards any particular ethnic group. I really don't see how it could be considered a crime either but hey, it's a lot easier to investigate this than any of the stabbings and shootings in London. And if this is a crime, why isn't burning an effigy of Theresa May or Boris Johnson one as well?



they made quite a few references to the latter in their video though, agree with you on the MET though.

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And if this is a crime, why isn't burning an effigy of Theresa May or Boris Johnson one as well?


oh no, that is art and a valuable community service:




Boris Johnson has been unveiled as this year's Guy to be burned at Edenbridge Bonfire Society's celebrations.


The former foreign secretary is shown eating a slice of an "EU cake" and wearing his signature cycling helmet.


Mr Johnson resigned from the cabinet in July over Theresa May's Chequers plan for Brexit.


The bonfire society said Mr Johnson was chosen "as a result of his continuing habit to be in the news and his never-ending gaffes".


Edenbridge Bonfire Society, which holds its celebrations in Kent on Saturday, has previously set fire to effigies of Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump, Sepp Blatter and Katie Hopkins.


The 11m (36ft) effigy of Mr Johnson, painted by artist Andrea Dean, features Hawaiian-style shorts, mismatched socks and red Brexit buses for his feet.


During Vote Leave's EU Referendum campaign, the buses carried slogans claiming Britain sent £350m a week to the EU which could be used to fund the NHS.


The rosette on the effigy marks the society's 90th year.

Chairman Bill Cummings said: "Our message to Mr Johnson is that you cannot have your cake and eat it."


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Loads of folk in the pub last night thought it was funny


When the good folk of Grimethorpe burnt an effigy of ex PM Margret Thatcher on a bonfire I cant remember an outcry as big as this one the police took no action ,there were no arrests and it was shown on the BBC news. Double standards all round.


Whataboutism aside, you've still not explained how it was funny?

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There's no snobbery from me. As I said earlier, the reason why I referenced the English flag in the back garden was that in the newspaper article I read it seemed that whoever made the burning effigy went to the trouble of colouring in the distressed figures brown. Possibly a coincidence....

With regards to where these people live - the report I saw on the news showed the back garden of what looked like a very large house in the suburbs of London. I don't think many people would be turning their noses up at that.... maybe there are. I wouldn't. I live a social housing flat in Sheffield.


never seen a white felt tip pen for sale, black is the most common colour available

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I very much doubt it.


Did vigilantes attack the five who murdered Stephen Lawrence?


London has changed since Lawrence was murdered. It’s become a blood bath city. It use to be know for its Theatres and Museums now it’s stabbings and murders on a daily basis and terrorist attacks.

I do believe they will be a target for vigilantes, the police have already got their work cut out without having to protect them.

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It still is.


The days of "bobbies on bicycles two by two" have long since gone along with the "rosy red cheeks of the little children" now its armed response officers in evos .Check out Roger Miller and his song England Swings, it used too.

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If you look at the picture on the Daily Mail website you can clearly see there are white, brown and black figures on the tower effigy so I don't see how you could say it's a hate crime towards any particular ethnic group. I really don't see how it could be considered a crime either but hey, it's a lot easier to investigate this than any of the stabbings and shootings in London. And if this is a crime, why isn't burning an effigy of Theresa May or Boris Johnson one as well?


You're correct - I've looked again at a newspaper article showing a different picture of the incident, showing black, brown and white figures burning in the Grenfell effigy.


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