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Egypt considers Burqa ban

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I see it as a Man made problem, if God exists and wanted us to be modest, surely we'd be born covered like our close ape like relatives, instead of butt naked.


That’s the most sense anyone has ever said on one of these burqa threads.


What about snakes though. They are very shy, but uncovered in any way.

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You give succour to Arab patriarchy and dress it up as women's freedom.


Curious how the likes of you don't seem to want western women to have the freedom to be walk on girls.


Thats a good point. Hey, Halibut?

Slightly off topic for a moment but did you agree with the F1 and Darts girls getting the old heave ho?

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Thats a good point. Hey, Halibut?

Slightly off topic for a moment but did you agree with the F1 and Darts girls getting the old heave ho?


Whilst you are waiting for the fishy one to point out the obvious flaw in your argument, I suggest that you spend a little time looking up the term “false equivalence “.

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