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Would you like to get in contact with your ex husband /Wife/Partner


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Yes I would , I thought that she wasn't mature what to expect when you first get married and she wanted everything at the time including another bloke. She has remarried has 2 girls and lives at Charnock area. but hav'nt spoke to her since oner 32yrs ago.

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I'd love to get in contact with my ex - and finish off the row we had when she dumped me.


After 7 month engagement, I moved up from Bournemouth to Sheffield to get married - only to be told 4 days later to clear off 'cos she found someone else!! I gave up a good career as a photographic laboratory technician in Bournemouth for her. As a result I had to move out of the house in Middlewood and ended up in temporary digs up on Herries Road. When the money ran out and the temporary digs came to an end I had no choice but to move back to Bournemouth and spent the next 18 months on the dole thanks to her (as this was all during the 1980/81 recession).


However, I'm still in regular contact with her parents in Hillsborough - some 26 years after the "event" - and every few weeks we spend over an hour on the phone chatting away. :)


Her mum has told me she doesn't like the chap my ex finally ended up with. She says he's arrogant!! And she's ballooned out in size A LOT!! Her mum says she's BIG :D :D


...................could'nt happen to a more deserving case I say ;)


I'm now married and have been recently promoted in the Civil Service where I've been for over 11 years. In 1989 my ex's mum made my wife an "Honorary Daughter" so that I could still be her Son-In-Law :) :)


Nice ending!! eh


But like the sentiments PeterW made in his reply - I still love the girl my ex was ........ but that was "Once upon a time......"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd really like to chat to my first wife.

Been a long time, nearly 30 years since I last saw her but would love to see her again.

To the best of my knowledge she's still in Sheffield.

You reading this Judith????????

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They say that time heals wounds but. Would you like to get in contact with your ex husband /Wife/Partner. (To talk civilised) after all that time. Or do you still talk and have contact.



i still speak to a few of my ex's and its all very civilised and stuff

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uh made me shudder just reading this - last seen legging it from a dodgy deal living in a scabby house with a fat ginner ( apologise to red heads - you are not ginners - just her ) who has various children to various people..... classy couple :)


Oops missed the point there....No I wouldn't ever speak to him again, I would rather stick pins in my eyes than see him again.


We didn't get on........

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I'd be quite interested to see how my ex husband's got on in his life after 32 years apart :D


IIRC we got on really well. I can't quite remember why we split up now ... just too young and silly, I suppose.


We didn't have any children together so there was no reason to keep in touch.

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