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Would you like to get in contact with your ex husband /Wife/Partner


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My partner and I split in July after an 8 year relationship.....


I have no choice as to keep seeing him....pass my kitchen window....as he still lives 5 doors away :hihi:


But as for having contact....no, I think I would rather push wasps up my bum :lol:

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After my ex has been dragging his feet about the divorce (I asked him 2 years ago, after being seperated for 8) I did a bit of investigating on the internet.


Looks like he's keen to forget he was ever married to me because he has a new wife and a gorgeous little son.


hmmm - his parents have all their assets and investments in his name (its actually an alias)-his family aren't entirely law abiding... Should I go for gold and drop him in it? or spare his new 'wife'?


I'm good friends with most of my ex's though. They are great guys - even if we aren't compatible from a relationship point of veiw.

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After my ex has been dragging his feet about the divorce (I asked him 2 years ago, after being seperated for 8) I did a bit of investigating on the internet.


Looks like he's keen to forget he was ever married to me because he has a new wife and a gorgeous little son.


hmmm - his parents have all their assets and investments in his name (its actually an alias)-his family aren't entirely law abiding... Should I go for gold and drop him in it? or spare his new 'wife'?


I'm good friends with most of my ex's though. They are great guys - even if we aren't compatible from a relationship point of veiw.


Ooooo I would love to be a fly on the wall if you do speak up. The man is a bigamist.


Or you could just bide your time.....wait patiently for his parents to pass, then have him killed and take the chuffing lot.....after all you are still his LEGAL wife :hihi:

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I wish I could speak to my ex and apologise to him for dismissing him like I did when he phoned me to say sorry for screwing my life up. By that time, we had been divorced over thirty years and I couldn't see the point. He died the following week.

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I must admit, people do the most stupid things sometimes! I had the most gorgeous wife, 100% trustworthy, good mum and good worker! I had everything and went and cheated on her with an ex! I have had to learn the hard way because no one has ever come close to her and probably never will, so....before you take temptation, read above and don't be an absolute idiot!

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My first wife and I were childhood sweethearts,I loved from the first time I saw her,I remember her walking in to class at Tapton school,my feelings then are best described as, a feeling of imminent spontanious internal combustion without actually bursting in to flames!!!!We married at a very young age(19) in 1975,we moved from sheffield the same year over to the fylde coast,she never wanted to leave! To my eternal shame,I treated her badly and the marriage collapsed after a few months and she returned to live with her parents,the break up was due 100% to my immaturity at the time,she never deserved to be treated like that,she was a lovely human being,I remarried and now have a family including two grand daughters,and am very happy,I would love to meet/speak to her again,purely to apologise and to attempt to ease the guilt I have felt for years,I have tried to find her since the advent of the internet to do just that,but although I have an idea of where she is now, any enquiries I have made have all ended up as dead ends!! The last time I saw her, was in the divorce court in 1978!! I was a very selfish person as a young man and have never forgiven myself for the pain I caused her! I very much doubt she will see this but if you do Gail,lets go for coffee and a chat.Colin.

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