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Is free speech a thing of the past in England.

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Guest makapaka
Can you give examples of things that are now illegal to say that were legal in the past?


I would imagine he’s talking about things which are perceived to be socially unacceptable rather than illegal and to a limited extent I would agree.

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I think society has always been rude and hoepfully some of that is being addresses, however i think the associated terminology of "hate crime" is a little overkill.

I would never insult anyone (unless i knew them personally) but insulting someone directed towards a physical identifying feature doesn't mean you hate them or the physical difference.


---------- Post added 09-11-2018 at 11:00 ----------



I watched some Freddie Star clips the other day and tbh even i had to flinch at some of the stuff as inappropriate.


I watched Scrubs not that long ago and the running joke was the older (male) doctor calling his (male) protege different girls names every week. Can't see that being made now. Somebody in internet land had the hump because they thought Friends should be banned because it was homophobic!

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I think that's what Albert is getting at .. a few years ago there was no such thing as "hate crime"..things are being criminalised that used not to be... remember characters like "Alf Garnett" and "Eddie Booth"?


become abit of a catch-all for things that were previously categorised as discrimination.

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I would imagine he’s talking about things which are perceived to be socially unacceptable rather than illegal and to a limited extent I would agree.


"Free speech" never meant that you could say anything you like without any repercussions socially. So if he is talking about that, he's fundamentally misunderstood the concept of free speech. It never meant "free from consequences".

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I would imagine he’s talking about things which are perceived to be socially unacceptable rather than illegal and to a limited extent I would agree.


socially unacceptable does not mean you can't say it. Just be prepared for others to use their right to free speech to call out out on what you have said.

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I have noticed in the last few years that we as a Nation are now restricted as to what we can say or write .

This situation is now restricting every day conversation and leads to a Big brother type situation.


Unless your everyday conversation is littered with words like ****, slag, bitch, spastic, poofter, coon etc then that seems highly unlikely.


As others have asked, short of words like the above, what is it you can't say but want to?

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I have a long standing offer for anyone who thinks they can't say something, to PM me and I'll say it for them. My inbox is still completely available.


Here you are, one for you to discuss. A blackboard apparently slights our coloured friends somehow, I have no idea why or how. It's summat you write on in school, period.


But here is the rub for sake of argument, the whiteboard is now the old blackboard. But hang on a minute, the term whiteboard offends me because I am white, why has the term whiteboard not been removed. That's just an illustration of how rediculous things have become.



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Here you are, one for you to discuss. A blackboard apparently slights our coloured friends somehow, I have no idea why or how. It's summat you write on in school, period.


But here is the rub for sake of argument, the whiteboard is now the old blackboard. But hang on a minute, the term whiteboard offends me because I am white, why has the term whiteboard not been removed. That's just an illustration of how rediculous things have become.




My bold=

You do realise that the term “coloured people” is not socially acceptable?

Educate yourself old man= http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/30999175/warning-why-using-the-term-coloured-is-offensive

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The new crime of hate speech is an example of how our freedom of speech is being curtailed. On the surface, it appears to be a good thing but just how wide is its net? It seems to be a way of suppressing debate about immigration, multi-culturalism and the impact of Islam on western countries. I wonder when Sinead O'Connor will be hearing a knock on her door.


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