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Is free speech a thing of the past in England.

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8 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

That's not how the law works at all.

US acts don't set precedence anywhere else, and clearly aren't the law anywhere else.

Fortunately the UK has a similar law which makes it clear that people are responsible for their own statements online and companies and sites which host those comments have only a limited liability.

True to an extent, but it's more nuanced than that.  I didnt say 230 was the law here.  I said that it's legal principle is accepted and used to uphold cases around the world.


I work for one of the largest law firms in the world and e have a very large IT and technology law division and we regularly advise internet giants like Google, BBC, Amazon etc.   Section 230 might not be written UK case law but its essential principle has been used regularly in tried cases involving websites, precisely because the internet crosses all jurisdictional borders.  You're right that many advanced countries like the UK have created very similar legislation such as the Defamation Act of 2013 and the EU has its Directive 2000/31 which are essentially 230 in local garb. 


My point remains.  Section 230 is an established legal precedent in these cases and is regularly used around the world.

Edited by bendix
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Marks attempted to construct the defence that his smuggling operations were directed to Australia and that he never exported to the United States, and therefore never broke US law.[70] He again cultivated the myth that he was a spy for MI6, and claimed that he was set up by the CIA because he had discovered that CIA agents were smuggling drugs into Australia.[71] He and his lawyers spent hours reviewing the phone tapping evidence to make the coded conversations about smuggling into America seem to suggest that the drugs were actually being smuggled into Australia; research was done into weather patterns to prove tentative links between what was said by Marks and his associates and what was happening at the time in Australia.[72]Marks and his wife were extradited in 1989, and he was given the Miranda rights on the flight from Spain to the US.[73]


Not according to wikipedia.  Although he did try to present that as a defence (it wasn't accepted).

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17 hours ago, Cyclone said:

Post #156 would suggest otherwise, particularly if you read it in the context of the posts that I was replying to when you quoted me...  my post #153 and the post before #152 that I was replying to.

I would expect people to be able to express their opinion without insults.

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21 hours ago, Cyclone said:

So would I.  But free speech means that they don't have to if they don't want to.  QED Free speech is alive and well in the UK.

Agreed, and I certainly hope that free  speech is alive and well.

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On 11/29/2018 at 7:25 AM, Cyclone said:



You speak words and someone plucks them out of the ether and they're gone.


Fear of expressing an opinion though, that's not a problem with free speech, that's a problem that your fearing the reaction to what you say because you know that it's likely to cause one.  Perhaps then you should consider whether there is a problem with what you want to say, rather than a problem with all the people that react to it...

Yes removed from this forum.

Yes fear of expression is a huge problem.  If people fear speaking about something they will self-censor and therefore issues affecting many people will not be addressed.  These will manifest into much more serious problems, like the growth of the far-right and religious extremism.


As we’ve recently seen a rise of in last 10 years.   The UK censorship ‘hate’ laws have also create a whole host of other issues, almost anything you say, someone, somewhere could decide to be offended by it.  So now everyone is subject to a criminal investigation, prosecution, and possible imprisonment, just like nazi Germany.

Edited by 26b-6
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