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Appalled by folks in the station at 11, no silence


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Get over it, what you appalled at. Was there a statement saying silence no, people were not disrespectful or is it the station is disrespectful. Stay home and get offended in your own house. I am offended you had the nerve to not attend a service of remembrance. I respect what they did of course and so do most people. YOu stayed quiet for two minutes well done and in majority of cases if asked people will observe. This is just one way of respect and some people have their lives now not looking at their watch every 2 minutes

Edited by mrplodge
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It wasn't compulsory and neither is wearing a poppy.


I'm much more appalled by the fact that millions of ordinary people were slaughtered in furtherance of a spat between Europe's ruling classes, yet for all the commemoration discussion over the past weeks and months, that fact strangely seemed to have been largely ignored.


Our glorious dead? There was nothing glorious about five years of wholesale slaughter and for what? :suspect:

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I didn't observe the two minutes silence, should I feel guilty? No, because throughout the year I respect those who have fallen in other ways.


Neither do I wear a poppy as this would align me with all the hypocrites in politics and businesses together with world leaders who have gained what they have through the blood of millions, both military and civilian. You see them year after year with their faux sympathy attending remembrance services knowing full well it was their ilk who caused conflict. I include religious leaders too as they have the moral authority to bring pressure to bear on our leaders to prevent conflict.

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You see them year after year with their faux sympathy attending remembrance services knowing full well it was their ilk who caused conflict.


I agree. It was also their ilk who gained the most as it enabled them to carry on and enjoy the status quo by making sure they kept their privileged lifestyle. Except Russia of course who managed to rid themselves of theirs.

Edited by apelike
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I didn't observe the two minutes silence, should I feel guilty? No, because throughout the year I respect those who have fallen in other ways.


Neither do I wear a poppy as this would align me with all the hypocrites in politics and businesses together with world leaders who have gained what they have through the blood of millions, both military and civilian. You see them year after year with their faux sympathy attending remembrance services knowing full well it was their ilk who caused conflict. I include religious leaders too as they have the moral authority to bring pressure to bear on our leaders to prevent conflict.

Amen to that

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I didn't observe the two minutes silence, should I feel guilty? No, because throughout the year I respect those who have fallen in other ways.


Neither do I wear a poppy as this would align me with all the hypocrites in politics and businesses together with world leaders who have gained what they have through the blood of millions, both military and civilian. You see them year after year with their faux sympathy attending remembrance services knowing full well it was their ilk who caused conflict. I include religious leaders too as they have the moral authority to bring pressure to bear on our leaders to prevent conflict.


Well said.


I didn't observe it either because I was busy making my elderly parents their Sunday dinner. That doesn't mean I won't spend large parts of today thinking about those who sacrificed for their country and were sacrificed by their country, which includes one of my great-grandfathers in the Somme, two of my paternal grandfather's brothers in WW2, not to mention the 5 years apiece my granddads' both gave up of their lives. I suspect I've spent considerably more time thinking about them than the average person.


Nor do I ever wear a poppy. This is my personal choice. I do not require a visual sign to prove to other people, most of who I don't know or care to know, just how much I think of people who went through hell. I know what I think and feel and that's all that matters.


If anyone has a problem with either of those then perhaps they haven't thought long and hard enough about what the freedom those soldiers fought for actually means.

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