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B/W WWI footage made into colour - They shall not grow old


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The bit where the guy talking on the voiceover about having to shoot a fellow allie to put him out of his misery as he was crying for his mother, in bits after being blown up was, you could hear his voice break up as he said i had to?
True!...........you would think this film was Hollywood at it's very best!.....no, just real life as it really happened.
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Just watched it in its entirety.

VERY moving.

The very old black and white and jerky footage we are all used to seeing is changed into colour footage which could have been filmed yesterday.

Very clever and very real.

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Sounds really interesting, trouble is I can't get I player in Canada,or so the link says. Would love to see it as both my grandfathers fought in France and Belguim in that horrific war. Hope somebody puts it on You Tube or the like, I have made a note of the title.


It's being released in the cinema in the US towards the middle of December so I suspect it'll also get a cinema release in Canada.

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It's being released in the cinema in the US towards the middle of December so I suspect it'll also get a cinema release in Canada.


Thanks, I will keep my eyes open but I fear it will only be shown in small artsy type venues and for a short period. However, it should be shown in Canada as Canadian troops were way more relevant in WW1 than the Americans, even though they had the numbers, man for man, it was no contest.

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Only my opinion, I wish Politicians who send these brave men to War had to go and fight along side of them. Lets put it this way there would have been or would be less wars. :roll:


Yes indeed long gone are the days when the leader of a country led his soldiers into battle. Today's leaders think it's a game simply because they don't have to be there. Terms like "gains with inevitable losses" and "collateral damage" make me sick when they are uttered by mealy-mouthed politicians who wouldn't know one end of a rifle from the other.

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Yes indeed long gone are the days when the leader of a country led his soldiers into battle. Today's leaders think it's a game simply because they don't have to be there. Terms like "gains with inevitable losses" and "collateral damage" make me sick when they are uttered by mealy-mouthed politicians who wouldn't know one end of a rifle from the other.


Yes Im sure if the senders had to suffer the same way, they would think twice.

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