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Congestion charge in Sheffield

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1 hour ago, apelike said:

Can you say what act or regulation this is under as its hard to find details that the fines will be passed down only that the government has the potential to do so.

I'm advised there's a discretionary power in Part 2 of the Localism Act which means the Government can require responsible authorities to pay all or part of any fine levied on the government.


The Government pointed this out to Local Authorities where air quality is identified as being in breach of standards, see: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/air-pollution-infraction-fines so it would appear they  mean to do so.

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I am given to wonder at just who it is that wishes to introduce this idea of congestion charges in Sheffield to add to the decline  of the city centre.... and what is the reasoning behind their long term objective  whatever that might be.


There is so little in the centre these days that can not be obtained from outlets not based there.   The albeit very small and much reduced market (compared to the sheaf and castle markets in their hay day) is about it.  You can get a coffee anywhere (or for the novelty value of it ...at home)  you can shove a pie in the oven rather than get it from greggs.    Cut price christmas shops..  oops must not mention christmas where the council can hear you..  though of course there is waht what might be the city's most concentrated area of charity shops and hairdressers.


Sheffield city centre compared to cities with similar sized poplations is probably the smallest and most run down of the lot.  Some towns have larger shopping areas.   and really how much affordable entertainment is there in sheffield centre that people  WANT to avail themselves of.  over proiced food outlets, cinemas and coffe shops.    wow....   big deal.

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2 hours ago, Planner1 said:

I'm advised there's a discretionary power in Part 2 of the Localism Act which means the Government can require responsible authorities to pay all or part of any fine levied on the government.


The Government pointed this out to Local Authorities where air quality is identified as being in breach of standards, see: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/air-pollution-infraction-fines so it would appear they  mean to do so.

It does not appear to be so clear cut though especially as the EU sanction can take many years to decide upon and we may not carry on as a partner or stay in the EU. Stating the government means to pass down fines is a bit OTT and I think a bit of scaremongering to justify charges. There also seem to be a very involved process/route to go down as chapter 4 of this points out and its decisions can also be subject to judicial review.



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10 hours ago, Planner1 said:

I haven't been in a hybrid cab.


The Council are introducing a fleet of 10 electric cabs in the spring for drivers to try out. They will also be introducing a dozen rapid chargers to ensure they can keep running and not lose much time charging.


The technology is improving all the time, but it remains to be seen whether EV's are currently a practical option as a cab, hence the trial.

That's because they can't really oppose it.

It's a bit late now though, as the cabs have been designed and built!


If they came in at a better price, I think they would sell, but with current climate, and so much uncertainly since the dereg, I think they'll go bust.


10 hours ago, Planner1 said:



9 hours ago, rogets said:

We do need to take responsibility for the quality of our air and we need to reduce car usage throughout the country


So perhaps congestion charging is the only way?


I for one would welcome less congested roads to drive on, so if that means driving poorer people off the roads I have no objection.


Be nice to drive on more clear roads

I have I make it clear my concerns are totally about the environment

I don't think it's made London much less busy. Certainly made a few quid though. We're all going to be next.


Once the cameras are in, things will change in small increments, but the end result is everyone will end up paying for it, with little environmental difference... IMO

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  • 2 weeks later...

It staggers me how buses and trucks are the ones in the firing line. The very same vehicles that move masses of people and masses of products for the people. I remember some years back the tanker lorries having a strike and within two days the country was on its bottom.  Imagine if lorry firms and bus firms were fined for running their services in towns.  

Just more pathetic idiots believing our emissions are causing climate change. 

Cant ever remember there being exhaust emissions being around during the last ice age. 

Diesels are good.......oh no, they're not.... 

Fats are bad........ Oh no, there good for us..... 

Statistics and expert opinions are only right when the person reading them believes it.

The rest of the time they are utter hogwash. 

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14 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:


Cant ever remember there being exhaust emissions being around during the last ice age. 


Very true - but if there had been today's level of pollution around back then, we wouldn't have had the last ice age.

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14 hours ago, BrexitGuy said:


Statistics and expert opinions are only right when the person reading them believes it.

The rest of the time they are utter hogwash. 

Being wilfully ignorant of facts and expert opinions seems to be the default position of a lot of people nowadays, they even seem proud of their stupidity.  Just because somebody doesn't believe an expert opinion does not invalidate that opinion.


Does a Flat Earther's belief mean that opinions to the contrary are "hogwash"?

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