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Second referendum time? SF Poll

Message added by Vaati

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Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I wont be voting anyway Im sick of it all

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I'm the same. I voted remain in the referendum, and think leaving the EU will inevitably make the UK poorer, however don't agree with holding a second referendum.


I'm not convinced by the arguments that because we know more now than we did then that justifies a second vote. It will always be the case things will change and what we know will change so you could use that justification for rerunning the vote every year..


I'm a staunch remainer - luckily being comfortably off we brought our retirement plans forward a couple of years and moved to France.


I'm very dubious about a second referendum - if remain won my view is the EU are highly likely to make our re-entry dependent on accepting the euro and Schengen - which would more than likely lead to another referendum..........


We didn't realise we had it so good.................

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I'd like to see a government just tough it out and be looked on in history as having done the right thing.


To me the right thing would be to sack the whole thing off. I don't see how they can continue to say they are doing the best thing for the country.

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Don't think there will be a second referendum, looks like we've got to accept that this is how it's going to be!

For in reality we all know the Tory dissenters will all come running back to Mother Teresa for her blessing.

Mind you can't blame them, have you seen the other baffoons they get to choose a leader from!

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Keep up.


The People’s Vote are advocating three choices on the ballot.


1) Accept the deal that’s been brokered.

2) Leave without a deal.

3) Remain in the EU


The only fair way for a People's Vote, if these are the only 3 options, is for not to remain, if 3 doesn't outnumber 1+2.


If these are the options, then it's the most flawed 'quiz' since I read the SCC application for my road to be placed in the permit zone.

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