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Second referendum time? SF Poll

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Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I wont be voting anyway Im sick of it all

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19 hours ago, woodview said:

Immigration was a reason lots of people voted Leave. First, that doesn't make them xenophobic, it simply means they think immigration is too high. Some may be racist, most not.

It is very common, and you've quickly done the same, to start talking about racist type stuff, and 'accidently' project that onto other Leave voters. It isn't convincing anyone.

Lots of the Leave vote was a backlash by people fed up with being tarred with the stinking racist brush. Most aren't racist, they are decent, people who have genuine concerns about the countries ability to cope, and the impact on housing, the lower paid, health care provision and schooling provision.


I don't agree with this at all.  People who thought that way were mistaken as we've clearly demonstrated to you with regards to EU immigrants, and anti-immigration stances came coupled with a strong whiff of xenophobia and racism no matter how you try to dress it up as rational position.

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3 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

I don't agree with this at all.  People who thought that way were mistaken as we've clearly demonstrated to you with regards to EU immigrants, and anti-immigration stances came coupled with a strong whiff of xenophobia and racism no matter how you try to dress it up as rational position.

You may not agree with it. It isn't dressed up as anything. You've been sold a line that any comment regarding immigration is xenophobic. It isn't.

If you think discussing something that affects health care provison, education, wages, housing is automatically racist, you are deluded. It may be a taboo subject in your circles but it can and should be a sensible discussion that can be held by non-racists.

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Immigration plans might not be published before Brexit vote, says Javid


it would  seem that immigration control which was a main factor in the referendum which Brexiteers voted  may turn out not to be so firm on immigration movement....


While being interrogated by the select committee Javid stated to select committee   member he could answer any questions he has within the White paper...if he knows what’s in HIS white paper...why not release it before the parliamentary vote??

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32 minutes ago, Andbreathe said:

While being interrogated by the select committee Javid stated to select committee   member he could answer any questions he has within the White paper...if he knows what’s in HIS white paper...why not release it before the parliamentary vote??

I don't think there is any real plan to limit immigration to any real extent, never was. Everything is "aspirational", but unfortunately the practicalities don't match up to the aspiration.

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15 minutes ago, Magilla said:

I don't think there is any real plan to limit immigration to any real extent, never was. Everything is "aspirational", but unfortunately the practicalities don't match up to the aspiration.

 For Christ’s sake mate...keep it down will ya...you’ll give the leavers a coronary!!🤣


even expats have been sold out, no definition on a security treaty...


When the referendum was took can anyone  remember the issue on Ireland and the backstop being discussed ? ....or was it all immigration ...🙄


What a mess!!

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5 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

It's conclusive.


We don't want a second referendum.


We want to Leave the EU.


Let's do this!

But it is not conclusive.

People do want a second referrendum.


People want to stay in the EU.


The split is still there and will remain so.  I look at official Labour and Tory social media feeds and the commentors are split on remain and leave, and always will be.

Edited by alchresearch
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2 hours ago, Andbreathe said:

 For Christ’s sake mate...keep it down will ya...you’ll give the leavers a coronary!!🤣

Oh no! Theres no nurses to look after them :(



even expats have been sold out, no definition on a security treaty...

No systems to manage any of this also, of the 14 new systems the UK needs due to Brexit, only 3 stand any chance of being anywhere near ready before the end of the transition period.


That may be related to Javid's statement, even if they had a plan there's no system in place to actually implement it.



When the referendum was took can anyone  remember the issue on Ireland and the backstop being discussed ? ....or was it all immigration ...🙄


What a mess!!

I think it came under "easiest deal ever", "they needs us more than we need them" and "unicorns!"

Edited by Magilla
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