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Second referendum time? SF Poll

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Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I wont be voting anyway Im sick of it all

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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Remain supporters need to accept that they had their chance at the ballot box, and they blew it.

Quite a few of the remainers on here have said there should be up to a two thirds vote to change the status quo, as the status quo is that we have voted to leave presumably they would be quite happy to have a referendum on those terms.

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1 hour ago, gomgeg said:

Quite a few of the remainers on here have said there should be up to a two thirds vote to change the status quo, as the status quo is that we have voted to leave presumably they would be quite happy to have a referendum on those terms.

We are still in the EU and it is looking increasingly likely that we will remain in! 😀

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11 hours ago, Cyclone said:

Why are you so set against a second referendum?  Presumably because it's obvious that opinions have changed, the lies have become clear, the level of damage that will be done has become more obvious.

It's democracy in action right, you've nothing to fear.

Why should we have another referendum ?  you obviously didn't like the result so we have another then its reversed. What happens next , have another because the brexiteers aren't happy ?  Some opinions may have changed  the same as any election , but not in my world they haven't. Like it or not we will leave the eu in march.

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12 hours ago, Robin-H said:

I’m a remain voter. Can we have a third referendum if a second one doesn’t go the way I want? 

If it's really close again, I guess so.  Perhaps if the campaigns break the law and are proven to be full of lies and the outcome is going to cause massive harm to the country for multiple generations, yeah, why not.

1 hour ago, lottiecass said:

Why should we have another referendum ?  you obviously didn't like the result so we have another then its reversed. What happens next , have another because the brexiteers aren't happy ?  Some opinions may have changed  the same as any election , but not in my world they haven't. Like it or not we will leave the eu in march.

The reasons why have been spelled out multiple times.

Polls indicate that the result would be different.  2 million leave voters have changed their minds or died, and 2 million more young remain voters are now eligible to vote.

The leave campaign turned out to be a massive fabric of lies.

Leaving the EU will cause us massive economic and social harm.


Frankly anyone who still wants to leave is, well, I don't want to be too rude...

5 hours ago, gomgeg said:

Quite a few of the remainers on here have said there should be up to a two thirds vote to change the status quo, as the status quo is that we have voted to leave presumably they would be quite happy to have a referendum on those terms.

The status quo right now is that we are still in the EU...

1 hour ago, lottiecass said:

Why should we have another referendum ?  you obviously didn't like the result so we have another then its reversed. What happens next , have another because the brexiteers aren't happy ?  Some opinions may have changed  the same as any election , but not in my world they haven't. Like it or not we will leave the eu in march.

You're surprised I don't like the result?

Do you read the news?  Can you see what's happening?  How could you possibly like this?


How have your views not changed, what is wrong with you that you want to inflict this harm on the country and the people of this country?

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1 hour ago, lottiecass said:

Why should we have another referendum ?  you obviously didn't like the result so we have another then its reversed. What happens next , have another because the brexiteers aren't happy ?  Some opinions may have changed  the same as any election , but not in my world they haven't. Like it or not we will leave the eu in march.

I wouldn't be so sure. I think the remoaners will get their way, waste of time going to vote 

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23 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

How have your views not changed, what is wrong with you that you want to inflict this harm on the country and the people of this country?

I started using the term Brextremists in this thread as a tongue in cheek term but the closer we get  to meltdown, the more it accurately it describes the absolute bonkers idiots who seem to think screwing up  the economy because of some crazy bloody-minded jingoism is a good idea.


Maybe it's time their gave some thought to the people's lives it will affect.


And it won't be the Faridges, Rees-Smugs and Bojos of this world who will suffer, they will be fine. It will be the poor, the ill, the homeless, the disabled, and the elderly.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I started using the term Brextremists in this thread as a tongue in cheek term but the closer we get  to meltdown, the more it accurately it describes the absolute bonkers idiots who seem to think screwing up  the economy because of some crazy bloody-minded jingoism is a good idea.


Maybe it's time their gave some thought to the people's lives it will affect.


And it won't be the Faridges, Rees-Smugs and Bojos of this world who will suffer, they will be fine. It will be the poor, the ill, the homeless, the disabled, and the elderly.

You missed out children.


Won't you think of the children?

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29 minutes ago, Thorpist said:



How did you work out 2 million young voters would vote remain.


2 million young voters won't vote remain but something like 85% of 18-21 year olds would which means the remain vote would increase by 1.7 million. 65% of over 75 year olds voted remain so if 90% of the 1.8 million deaths since June 2016 were over 75 then that is  1,620,000 over 75s, 65% of whom voted leave which is 1,053,000 dead leave voters. If nobody changed their mind from 2016 that would be 17,491,000 remain votes to  16,357,000 leave votes which means a majority of 1,134,000 for remain.


That is why there is so much panic in the leave camp. If everything else was equal and nobody changed their minds from 2016, that simple demographic change means that leave cannot win another vote.


In reality, it is thought that between 3-5% of 2016 leave voters now support remain and 65-70% of abstainers in 2016 would have voted to remain. It is in no way scientific but everyone I know who didn't vote in 2016 is busting a gut to vote in a second referendum. In contrast, at least half of the leave voters I know would refuse to vote in another referendum.


So in a second referendum with a similar turnout, the Channel Four poll showing a 54-46% split in favour of remain looks about right. On the above calculation of leave voters dying and remain voters becoming eligible to vote, that remain figure will increase by about 1% every one and a half years. It really was the old who sold the young down the river in 2016.


It is no wonder that Brextremists are in a panic. They know that if their bonkers plan doesn't go through now, it never will! :)

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24 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

2 million young voters won't vote remain but something like 85% of 18-21 year olds would which means the remain vote would increase by 1.7 million. 65% of over 75 year olds voted remain so if 90% of the 1.8 million deaths since June 2016 were over 75 then that is  1,620,000 over 75s, 65% of whom voted leave which is 1,053,000 dead leave voters. If nobody changed their mind from 2016 that would be 17,491,000 remain votes to  16,357,000 leave votes which means a majority of 1,134,000 for remain.


That is why there is so much panic in the leave camp. If everything else was equal and nobody changed their minds from 2016, that simple demographic change means that leave cannot win another vote.


In reality, it is thought that between 3-5% of 2016 leave voters now support remain and 65-70% of abstainers in 2016 would have voted to remain. It is in no way scientific but everyone I know who didn't vote in 2016 is busting a gut to vote in a second referendum. In contrast, at least half of the leave voters I know would refuse to vote in another referendum.


So in a second referendum with a similar turnout, the Channel Four poll showing a 54-46% split in favour of remain looks about right. On the above calculation of leave voters dying and remain voters becoming eligible to vote, that remain figure will increase by about 1% every one and a half years. It really was the old who sold the young down the river in 2016.


It is no wonder that Brextremists are in a panic. They know that if their bonkers plan doesn't go through now, it never will! :)

So in two years can we have another one, when the current 16-18 yos, see the last two years (in 2 years time)? You could carry this on as long as you want. I do. I still blame Blair for this, and doubtless most young people haven't even heard of him, let alone what his party did to this country.


I personally hope there is a second one. If brexit wins again, the country will be a laughing stock thanks to the remainers who are pushing for it, and if remain wins, it'll prove my written work that democracy is now dictated by the leftie looneys who can't see their own similarities to how the far-right got in. I can't lose.


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